Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Selected Projects

Database of projects that received the European Language Label selected by the NELLIP Network. The selection was made on the basis of the consistency of projects and initiatives with the current European political priorities in the field of language learning. The selection was carried out in close cooperation with the National Agencies in charge of the European Language Label.

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 Documents found: 556

Title of the Project

3E – E.Co: Euro citoyen sur 3 ans ' France 2009
7 jours sur la planète France 2006
A CLIL Experience in Primary School: Teaching French through games strand of the PE Curriculum Ireland 2007
A CLIL Experience@ WIT Ireland 2006
A common language and culture project of Pello school, Finland and Pello skolan, Sweden (a pilot study of trilingual teaching) Finland 2005
À Conversa com Craig Mello Portugal 2011
A course of initial teacher education and university studies for the development of bilingual qualifications in Geography, History and Social Sciences – (Studienreferendariat mit französisch biling... Germany 2007
A guide to traditional ball games in Visegrad countries Czech Republic 2011
A toute vapeur en Angleterre Belgium 2003
A trip across Europe - Entrepreneurship and tourism Italy 2013
A Web-based Course in Norwegian Estonia 2009
A Whole School Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Spanish Ireland 2008
Abair leat Ireland 2008
Achtung Marchenland! Czech Republic 2005
ACSE - Atelier Cinema Scolaire Europea Romania 2004
ADOK Automation Technology and German as Online Course Estonia 2012
Adopt a Class United Kingdom 2012
Agricultural and environmental English Romania 2010
Album of Diversity - Life Dreams and Life Stories Germany 2013
ALEHOP: Programme For The Development of Communicative Skills Spain 2011
ALFA - ett alfabetiseringsprojekt/ALFA - a project for illiteracy Sweden 2004
ALL Language Perfect World Championship United Kingdom 2012
ALPEC - Apprendere le Lingue Per Educare alla Cooperazione Italy 2005
Alpen-Adria-Classes Austria 2007
Alphabetisation des adultes sourds Belgium 2003
Amazing Europe Romania 2010
Amelis Italy 2009
Amici del Mediterraneo Italy 2005
Apprendre l’anglais au college: ressources internet France 2010
Apprentissage du neerlandais par immersion Belgium 2003
Aprentissage Interculturel du Français Langue Etrangère France 2008
Arabic Online United Kingdom 2013
Architeaching Romania 2011
Arriba United Kingdom 2013
Arsakeio Cha-Cha-Cha” (Changes-Chances-Challenges) Greece 2009
Arts & Crafts Romania 2009
ATTIC: Local Goes Global Bulgaria 2009
Authentik Language Interactive Ireland 2011
Autonomous Language Learning Iceland 1999
Autonomous Language Learning Romania 2009
Autonomous Package Preschool Language Education (A. P. P. L. E. Project) Romania 2007
Axes Culturels Romania 2009
Batir une Europe Tolerante Romania 2004
Becoming a Better Global Citizen – a challenge for the 21st century Czech Republic 2005
Becult Extend Estonia 2011
Between the Lines Romania 2009
Beyond the Words: communicating effectively in Irish healthcare Ireland 2009
Bilingual debating France 2013
Bilingual from preschool at Vitra Rösjötorp Sweden 2010
Bilingual German Project United Kingdom 2012
Bilingual modules in schools in Thirungia (Bilinguale Module an Thüringer Schulen) Germany 2007
Bolsa de idiomas Spain 2008
Bridges for Education Bulgaria 2003
Bridging West and East United Kingdom 2009
Businessmen for three years through Europe Czech Republic 2005, the language learning community Spain 2009
Cada Aluno por Horizonte – uma Metodologia Inovadora para o Ensino das Línguas Portugal 2011
CentroLING Austria 2007
Certamen de teatro en inglés y francés Estrangis ATIFE - ATIFE Spain 2008
Česko-německá jazyková animace - vzdělávací kurzy pro jazykové animátory Czech Republic 2008
Chinese Learning and Teaching Programme in Irish Higher Education Ireland 2008
Choose Learning Spanish as the Third Foreign Language! Latvia 2007
Christopher Columbus CLIL project United Kingdom 2008
Click on Language Estonia 2012
CLIL en interculturele samenwerking in het studiegebied Handel Belgium 2008
CLIL for Mainstream Teachers in the Post Primary Classroom Ireland 2011
CLIL for Young Learners Spain 2007
CLIL: Learning languages through science and environmental education Italy 2013
CLIL…ing geography: international day Italy 2010
CLIMATES - Creative Language Learning and Innovative multicultural Activites Together in European Schools Italy 2010
CLIO - Language yard for integration and guidance Italy 2013
Club Domino at home, in Europe and in the world Czech Republic 2006
Clwb Cymdeithasu Cymraeg C3, Welsh For Adults, Lifelong Learning United Kingdom 2010
CMC_E - Il progetto “Comunicare in contesti multilinguistici” incontra le imprese Italy 2010
Co-operation over Language Boundaries Finland 2001
COLT (Community and Lesser Taught Languages) United Kingdom 2010
Com as Línguas e a Arte a caminho da Cidadania Portugal 2003
Communication and Vocational Language Skills Lithuania 2003
Complementary study programme in Austrian Sign Language (ASL) Austria 2011
Computer-Based Danish Teaching / General Line Iceland 2001
Constructor2000-Buildingcommunicationforfutu Portugal 2000
Content learning in several languages Austria 2008
Cool School – learning can be fun Czech Republic 2011
Cornwall Mini-Assistants United Kingdom 2012
Cortometraje: Deadly inheritance Spain 2010
Coup de théatre, aprendizaje del francés a través del teatro Spain 2009
Cours Intensif De Néerlandais Portugal 1999
Creation and everyday Running of a French SME - A French Language Simulation Ireland 2008
Critical Peer Pedagogy for Language Learners Ireland 2009
Cross Perspectives On Exile Czech Republic 2011
[email protected] Czech Republic 2005
Crossing Cultures Through Multilingual Drama Activities Romania 2009
Cucina d'Infierno/Hell's kitchen United Kingdom 2011
Cultural awareness Denmark 2001
Dance Marathon Estonia 2009
Danish For Participants In Nordic Co-Operation Iceland 1999
Das Kindergartenjahr in Tschechien, in der Slowakei und in Deutschland Czech Republic 2005
Deadly Inheritance – Herencia Mortal(A short Film) Spain 2011
Deaf People in Europe Acquiring Languages through E-Learning (DEAL) Italy 2008
Del bilingüismo al plurilingüismo: nuevos retos Spain 2007
Den digitale udtaletraener/ Digital pronounciation training Denmark 2008
DEPOMALITA Portugal 2004
Der Sprachenfächer Germany 2008
Despertar a las lenguas Spain 2011
Deutsch lernen: Kreieren, kooperieren, kommunizieren Greece 2011
Deutsch lohnt sich Estonia 2010
Deutsch und Tschechisch Hand in Hand Czech Republic 2008
Deutsch-Französischer virtueller Online-Markt – Anwendungsbezogenes Sprachenlernen durch Gründung virtueller Firmen und Abwicklung der Geschäftsprozesse (establishing virtual companies) Germany 2011
Deutschmobil France 2011
Developing CLIL United Kingdom 2009
Die Interkulturelle Projektarbeit Bulgaria 2003
Different but the Same: Children know no Borders Germany 2012
Different Language, Common Home, Common Goal Estonia 2009
Diffuser la pratique des débats civiques dans la classe de langue vivante étrangère France 2009
Digital European Language Portfolio, eELP Sweden 2007
Digital Media in Language Learning Germany 2012
Distance Learning of Spanish A1-B1 Germany 2012
Diversification of languages on offer in adult education in Rovaniemi Finland 2007
Diversification of the Languages on Offer Finland 1999
Dois Pequenos Países... Distantes ou Próximos? Portugal 1999
DOKEOS - Virtual Learning Environment Romania 2010
Drama as a Teaching Method Latvia 2003
Dynamo- Network for Facilitating Basic Qualifications and Graduation Diplomas for Young Adults as well as Integration in the Educational System and Employability Austria 2009 Intercambios interculturales en entornos virtuales Spain 2007
E3 - Eleve, education, Europe Romania 2008
Early Swedish Language Immersion in Vaasa Finland 2005
Easy-access courses for foreigners in the Czech Republic and training for instructors thereof Czech Republic 2009
Echanges linguistiques Belgium 2004
EdOnWeb Online English Course Norway 1999
EdTWIN- Education Twinning, Heading for Excellence in the CENTROPE Region Austria 2010
Eigen Leren Beheren. Portfolioleren met een leerportfolio. Belgium 2006
eJournal: Deutsch macht Spass - Jugendliche in Europa Belgium 2008
El departamento donde nunca pasa nada Spain 2012
El Portfolio como herramienta de trabajo Spain 2013
El Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas en educación infantil y primaria Spain 2006
Elaboración de 452 microactividades comunicativas en lenguas extranjeras (alemán, francés e inglés) basadas en el Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas Spain 2012
eLancenet Romania 2004
ELLA: English Language Lab Asturias Spain 2010
ELS, European Languages for Secretaries Italy 2006
Encouraging students to study German and Russian Finland 2007
English across subjects in the first grade – a course for first grade teachers and educators at after-school programmes Czech Republic 2009
English for Kindergarten Children Estonia 2005
English on the move for key people Italy 2010
English teaching in the lower secondary school for academically challenged learners Germany 2007
Enhancement in Teaching and Learning Computers and Language Skills Romania 2009
Enseignement par immersion en langue Allemande Belgium 2003
Equality in Diversity Bulgaria 2009
ESP – a Teaching Multi-tool in second language learning in Österåker Sweden 2008
Espace apprendre de Canal Académie France 2009
Estonian, Finnish and Icelandic Partnership project on National Epics in Arts and Culture Estonia 2010
EUREGIO EGRENSIS – Promotion of the Czech language Germany 2007
Euro bureautique London Belgium 2004
Euro Senior Secondary School Finland 2001
EuroCatering Belgium 2011
EuroCatering Language Training Ireland 2010
Eurofest United Kingdom 2009
EuroIntegrELP – Equal Chances to European Integration through the use of the European Language Portfolio Romania 2007 Denmark 2004
Euromazing Languages Ireland 2010
Europa bewegt sich - Europe in Motion Germany 2011
Europaenheten - lär och utvecklas för framtiden/ Europaenheten - Educating for the Future Sweden 2003
Europe - Our heritage and Future Portugal 2005
Europe, My Part of the World Romania 2007
European catering and hospitality language training course Italy 2013
European Evironment - Understanding by Comminication Lithuania 2005
European Languages Net Lithuania 2004
European Languages With Us Latvia 2003
European Profiling Grid (EPG) France 2013
European schools are democratic schools Romania 2010
Exchange Student Estonia 2003
Exhibition on the Occasion of the 90th Anniversary of CZ Republic Estonia 2009
Exploring Through Drama Romania 2002
Extensive Intensification of Language Teaching Finland 1999
Extensive Language Learning Programme Finland 2003
Fashion International United Kingdom 2011
Fast and Fun Germany 2009
Faust: Interpretation in zwei Sprachen / Faust : Interpretation in Two languages Lithuania 2005
FEEL: funny, easy and effective learning about countries, languages and cultures Lithuania 2006
Festival de cinéma hispano-américain de Poitiers France 2010
Festival nemecky mluvici kultury Czech Republic 2006
Fête (faites) des Langues à l'Ecole Belgium
FinEstDen Estonia 2004
FIRE Cyprus 2005
First Aid in Czech – Czech for Emergency Services Austria 2009 Ireland 2007
Folk Highschool Plus Denmark 2011
Fomento de las lenguas extranjeras desde una perspectiva global Spain 2008
FÓN Ireland 2009
Foreign Languages - Passport to the Modern World Romania 2009
Foreign Languages For Skilled Trades Iceland 1999
Formacom Belgium 2004
Français en mouvement Belgium 2009
Französisch als Zweitsprache im Kindergarten U. 1. Belgium 2003
French at little cost United Kingdom 2012
French on shores of the Baltic Sea Latvia 2006 Ireland 2008
Frenck Digital Kitchen United Kingdom 2012
From multimedia learning centre to a centre for multilingualism Austria 2007
From zero 2 zero - the European in all of us Italy 2012
Functional Bilingualism Sweden 2010
Get Adults Make Events Romania 2011
Getting to Grips with the English language Ireland 2010
Global Analysis of Health System Structure and Employability of Vet Systems in the European Health System Romania 2011
Global Communications United Kingdom 2013
Glottodrama Transfer of Innovation Italy 2010
Grandparents tell us Italy 2013
Greek on the Go (iPhone Application) Greece 2011
Green Colour Cyprus 2005
Group Talk United Kingdom 2013
Gruppskrivningar - modell för strategitänkande/ Group Tests - A Model For Strategic Thinking Sweden 2002
GTP - Global Teenagers Project Romania 2010
GUT* im Tandem *gemeinsamer Unterrichtstag Germany 2011
Guthan nan Eilean: Island Voices United Kingdom 2007
Handmade English Italy 2009
Having the courage to … Women who have changed history. Life examples and courage patterns Italy 2013
Health and nutrition awareness in hospitality and catering education: modern interpretation of traditional food and beverages Italy 2013
Healthy Eating Romania 2004
Healthy Eating and Physical Activities to Promote Learning for a Better Lifestyle Romania 2011
Healthy Lifestyle Romania 2007
Het taalbeleidsplan van de Iris Ziekenhuizen Belgium 2009
Hola 2.0 Spain 2010
HoLA Home Language Accreditation United Kingdom 2012
Hook Up! Campus Europae Foreign Language Learning Gateway (Portuguese) Portugal 2011
How to Become a Chef in Europe Germany 2011
I Congreso Internacional Luces y Sombras Spain 2009
I speak football-Learn a language 2008 Austria 2008
Ibias Lenguas y culturas 2010: Abriendo caminos Spain 2010
IBIS - Initiative for Bilingual Studies Germany 2007
Immigrants Past and Present. Towards Better Integration? Romania 2010
Improving European Pupils’ Communication Skills by means of New Technologies Romania 2010
Improving Professional and Language Skills of Auto Mechanics through Work Experience Abroad Romania 2009
IN-CLASS: International Communication and Language Assessment Romania 2011
In-Service Programme for Language Support Teachers in Primary Schools throughout Ireland Ireland 2006
Inic. à Líng. Estr.1º ciclo-FR Portugal 2002
INTEGRA - Migrants' Integrating Kit - Basic Language for Dealing with Financial Matters Romania 2012
Integrated French Language and Subject Learning Lithuania 2003
InterAct - Developing New Basic Skills at the Working Place through the Use of Internet-based Problem Solving Role-Play Romania 2007
InteractiFLE France 2012
Interactive ABC Latvia 2010
Interactive Latvian language e-learning course for refuges and asylum seekers to promote their access to education and vocational skills Latvia 2009
Intercultural Competence in English and French Germany 2010
Intercultural interaction with partner schools. Alternative guide training at partner schools in Latvia, Germany. Sweden Latvia 2008
International Project Week Germany 2010
International School English Drama Festival Romania 2011
International Summer Language School Czech Republic 2004
Internationale Schreibpartnerschaften (International Pen-pals Germany 2011
Internationalization of language teaching Finland 2007
Iris Literacy through Latin Scheme United Kingdom 2013
ISC Language Courses Czech Republic 2004
ISLI - International Student Leadership Institute Estonia 2010
ISPY - Online Networking Platform for Language Learning Romania 2012
It is fun to learn languages Latvia 2005
It’s in the bag Italy 2011
Italian Bilingual Classes United Kingdom 2013
ITAMED - Medical Italian Italy 2012
ITE.M Italy 2013
J'apprend la langue que je veux! Une experience d’apprentissage autodirigé et collaboratif des langues France 2009
Jazz mataz-Music and Fun Portugal 2007
Jinrikisha - how we learnt Japanese United Kingdom 2008
Karaoke and language learning. It's fun to learn with songs Lithuania 2004
Keelerobot / Language robot Estonia 2011
Kidslab Belgium 2009
Kiekuri Finland 2006
Kielireppu Finland 2011
Kielitivoli Finland 2011
Kuldsuu (Golden Mouth) Estonia 2004
Kuldtipp (Golden Peak) Estonia 2005
Kurzy angličtiny pro nevidomé a slabozraké Czech Republic 2008
L'Italia in Diretta Ireland 2008
La escuela de hostelería y turismo de Alcalá de Henares, abierta al mundo Spain 2012
La licence européenne : une formation multilingue et multiculturelle pour assurer son avenir à l'international France 2010
La Reconfiguration. Naar een optimale onderlinge afstemming tussen initiële vorming en navorming didactiek Frans vreemde taal Belgium 2006
Language - Not Just Empty Words Sweden 2010
Language Across Borders Denmark 2003
Language Asseblies - Språksamlingar Sweden 2013
Language Awareness Spain 2011
Language Bridges Czech Republic 2009
Language Cafés Sweden 2004
Language Centre for International Students and Intercultural Centre for Castleknock Community College Ireland 2007
Language circus Helsinki “Viehko” Finland 2012
Language clubs Finland 2009
Language Consulting – Diversity and Multilingualism as Resources and Development Potentials Austria 2010
Language diversification and Initial Teacher Education United Kingdom 2007
Language Education in the Language Institute of the Austrian Federal Army Austria 2009
Language Festival Belgium 2011
Language for Healthcare – Healthcare without Borders Austria 2009
Language Immersion at Bilingual Montessori School of Lund Sweden 2008
Language Learning by Radio (LALERA) Italy 2008
Language Learning in Action (LLA) Cyprus 2012
Language Learning Via The Internet Iceland 2000
Language lessons outside classroom Estonia 2009
Language skills by immersion Finland 2008
Language training for the police Austria 2008
Languages Bridge United Kingdom 2009
Languages connect: learning together Austria 2007
Languages for All United Kingdom 2013
Languages Together United Kingdom 2013
Languages, ICT and CLIL United Kingdom 2013
Lanterna Futuri Czech Republic 2008
Le français par les techniques theatrales Romania 2004
Le grand voyage / The great journey Sweden 2013
Le Néerlandais à l'école Belgium 2003
Le Tour De Fance en 21 unités Spain 2011
Learn English through songs Belgium 2011
Learning by Moving Lithuania 2008
Learning English Through Festivals Latvia 2003
Learning Foreign Languages Through Communication Lithuania 2003
Learning French in Cyberspace Denmark 2003
Learning Italian through Creation of Subtitles Ireland 2009
Learning Languages on Rails Finland 2003
Learning languages with language stories France 2012
Leggiamo insieme/Reading together United Kingdom 2011
Lego Lingua Belgium 2011
Les langues en cycle 3 - Moments de classes et paroles d'acteurs France 2008
Let's Become a Bilingual Family Romania 2011
Let's communicate! Migrants, Intercultural integration through language in the host community Belgium 2006
Let's speak English in Morbihan
LeTS Go, Language eTeachers Services Italy 2010
LiBRe – Little Bookworm Reading Club. Lesefördwerung für mehrsprachige Grundschulkinder Germany 2011
Life Perspectives. Practised (Career) Orientation Austria 2011
Light Me Up! - Language Lessons for Abroad Bulgaria 2010
Lingua Consult Bulgaria 2003
Lingua italiana e comunicazione bancaria Italy 2009
Lingueo, Cours particuliers de langues France 2008
Linguis, programme alternatif et complémentaire d'apprentissage des langues Belgium 2004
Linking the community through language United Kingdom 2011
Listen and Touch Bulgaria 2004
Liverpool Primary Foreign Languages Project United Kingdom 2013
LOA – Learning from/with One Another Portugal 2009
LPACK Germany 2012
MacBiz Germany 2010
Marahil: lire et écrire le monde arabe France 2008
Maritime English & Standard Marine Communication Phrases (S.M.C.P.) Italy 2011
Master in Promozione e Insegnamento della Lingua e Cultura Italiana a Stranieri Italy 2009
Masterchef-Ein Blick in die Deutsche Küche Greece 2011
Meeting point: lugares de encuentro Spain 2009
Memory help Finland 2012
MFL Volunteers United Kingdom 2009
MigraNorsk Norway 2001
Mnemo25 Method Estonia 2009
Mobile-learning: A guided tour in augmented reality Spain 2012
Modern Foreign Language Student Leadership United Kingdom 2012
Modern Foreign Languages Student Leadership 2012
Modernisation of Foreign Language Teaching Lithuania 2002
MoMo: Mobility for workers in Mobility Italy 2013
Mother tongue – the competence of the future Sweden 2012
Motivation to Learn the Second National Language Finland 2001
Mounting box Cento: culture in a box Italy 2012
Mulingula (multilinguale Leseaktivitäten) Germany 2011
Multicom 112 Extension Project Ireland 2011
Multidisciplinary teaching, international collaboration and ICT Sweden 2012
Multilingual network Sweden 2012
Multilingual Teaching in Specialism Subjects Promotion of Languages with an Emphasis on Mothertongues Austria 2009
Multimedia Course “Bulgarian for Foreigners” Bulgaria 2007
Multimedia E-platform for the democratic learning of the foreign languages Romania 2010
Multimedia E-platform for the democratic learning of the foreign languages Romania 2010
Music award Italy 2013
Musubi Project United Kingdom 2010
My Favourite Story Germany 2008
My language – Your language Norway 2010
My Unispace United Kingdom 2009
Myllytonttu maailmalla - Teacher training school of Rauma Finland 2013
Mythes, legends et contes de fees – moyen d’enrichir le language des jeunes et la connaissance de l’autre Romania 2007
Necessity of State Language Learning Lithuania 2002
Nederlands voor anderstaligen + taalpreventie Belgium 2004
Nepenmäki comprehensive school Finland 2013
New Friends Ireland 2005
New Technologies For Learning Lithuanian Lithuania 2003
New Ways in English Language Teaching Through Sharing Experiences Romania 2012
Nordic Language Pilots Denmark 2009
Norrebro Multilingual Library Denmark 2013
Northern-Ostrobotnian Network of Distance Learning Finland 2003
Not only neighbours, but also friends... Czech Republic 2011
Nouvelle approche en classe de maths: le français au service de la géométrie euclidienne” Italy 2011
NOWADAYS Spain 2013
Nuestro telediario – Notre Journal télévisé Spain 2008
O Estado da Nação - The State of the Nation Portugal 2002
Occupational language training for non-reading individuals with migrant background Germany 2010
On the snail trail United Kingdom 2011
On y va ensemble France 2008
Online German Homework Submission Wiki Ireland 2011
Open the window Portugal 2003
Open to Every Citizen Lithuania 2007
Opening the Doors to Language Learning for non-Traditional Learners Ireland 2004
Opin avaimia/Keys of Learning/ Språknycklar Finland 2004
Õpiobajektide sari / Learning objects Estonia 2011
Optional courses in Tourism Iceland 2007
Orero, l’art déclamatoire à l’école primaire France 2010
OSE: ose le stage à l'étranger France 2008
Oxford Primary Teachers´ Academy Czech Republic 2006
Pair work helps! Intercultural encounters in the new Europe Austria 2007
Parlando s’impara Italy 2010
Parlez-vous chinois? France 2010
PH goes East, Faculty of Educational Sciences in Vienna Austria 2011
Physical French Phonics United Kingdom 2012
Place of work as a learning environment for Finnish Finland 2009
Playing Age is not over yet Estonia 2005
PLURILINGUALISM - The Present and Future of a United Europe Austria 2010
Pois nurkista Finland 2002
Pont sur la Manche (Bridge across the Channel) United Kingdom 2008
Portuguese and French in the Primary School Portugal 2000
Practice Makes Perfect: Promoting European Citizenship Through Language Lithuania 2004
Preventing Drug Addiction Is Everybody's Problem Romania 2010
Pride and Prejudice Czech Republic 2011
Primary community languages tasters United Kingdom 2010
Primary languages podcasting United Kingdom 2010
Primera Semana Española Italy 2010
Production d’outils de formation à destination de publics adultes migrants en insertion sociale et professionnelle France 2011
Professional training in Bilingual teaching and Learning for Intensive courses in Sorbian /“Wendisch“ Germany 2007
Professor dr. ABC Denmark 2009
Programme of English Language Learning for Very Young Learners Greece 2011
Progressfolders In Language Learning Iceland 2003
Projet interculturel hispano-français France 2008
Promoting Academic Multilingualism Germany 2013
Promotion of Plurilingualism through Cultural Awareness Cyprus 2004
Proyecto piloto de docencia en lengua inglesa Spain 2006
Putting Romania on the map Romania 2009
Qualitative foreign language teacher training Latvia 2006
Quality Assurance for Schools and Teachers Romania 2002
Raising the Quality of Language Teaching Finland 2003
Re-Creation by Genetics: new ways of life? Italy 2010
Ready Study Go ahead (continued) Finland 2012
Ready Study Go! Linguistic cultural coaching in initial vocational education Finland 2008
Ready-Study-Go Estonia 2009
Réalisation de sequences animées sur le thème de la prévention routière France 2009
REB Club Romania 2009
Recipes for MFL success United Kingdom 2010
Regards croises France 2009
Research and Teacher Education for Business and Economics (EDU-RES) – the added value of lifelong learning and interdisciplinary networking Romania 2011
Ridili GMBH Germany 2012
Roads to the Roots Romania 2010
Roman(T)ische Sprachreise Germany 2009
Š:schkola Czech Republic 2005
Saules - private secondary school infants learn, use and feel joy of learning languages Lithuania 2005
School and Enterprise Belgium 2001
Schüler E-Portfolios als Möglichkeiten zur Förderung von Schlüsselkompetenzen Romania 2010
Secção Europeia de Língua Francesa Portugal 2010
Self Access Centre for languages and music Austria 2007
SHOPLANG - The Shopping Language Game Bulgaria 2008
SHOPLANG 2.0 – The Shopping Language Game Bulgaria 2013
Signall: Sign Awareness and Learning the Language Ireland 2008
Signs in the City Bulgaria 2008
Skills for life and work United Kingdom 2011
Slavic Networking - Lingvistic and cultural integration Czech Republic 2006
SmartEnglish Italy 2010
Social skills for good mood and better learning Italy 2011
Socle du multilinguisme et des connaissances mutuelles des cultures en Europe France 2010
SpEakWise Ireland 2010
Spelling Bee United Kingdom 2011
Spielend lernen - Grenzen überwinden Learn by playing - across borders Germany 2009
Sport is fun France 2010
Språk och matkulturer/ Languages and Food Cultures Sweden 2005
Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i Flemingsbergs förskolor / Language developing methods in pre-schools in Flemingsberg Sweden 2006
Sprogproduktion i det kommunikative værksted/ Language production in the communicative workshop Denmark 2004
Steps to the World Romania 2002
STER-Link + Let's go 3000 Belgium 2004
STER-Link + Let's go 3000 Belgium 2012
Streaming Towards B.E.S.T. Performance Czech Republic 2009
Studieverkstedet: the creative room Norway 2012
Studying Balkan Languages – Road to European Culture Bulgaria 2007
Subject „German as a Second Language/as a Foreign Language taught in Schools of General Education at Higher Level Austria 2003
Super 2.0. Let's find out together - The mysteries of the double propelle
Swedish for Foreigners Finland 2001
Swedish for immigrants at Vuxenutbildningen in Partille Sweden 2009
Szacunek United Kingdom 2008
Taalzomer, Onomatopee en Taalturbo. Belgium 2011
Take Shape Share: The European Repository Project Romania 2009
Take, Shape, Share Romania 2009
Talen mijn gedacht! Languages My Idea Belgium 2008
Talk and Listen to Me – Training Parents to Support their Children’s Early Language Learning in a Multilingual Context Austria 2010
Talk to me - Listen to me! Latvia 2008
Tallinn-Berliin: Eesti-Saksa kulutuurisõnastik Estonia 2011
Taste the Language Spain 2011
Teaching Chinese Finland 2010
Teaching Languages through Movie Making Italy 2011
Teastas Eorpach na Gaelige Ireland 2006
Technical Language Courses Germany 2010
Teknik och traditioner - ett språkutvecklandeprojekt för modersmålslärare i Nacka kommun/Technique and traditions Sweden 2003
The “PLUS” Module Bulgaria 2002
The Alphabet Keyboard Denmark 2011
The Ambassador of Languages of the Year Lithuania 2010
The Ambassador of Languages of the Year 2011 Lithuania 2011
The Ambassador of Languages of the Year 2012 Lithuania 2012
The Arrival - Ankomsten Sweden 2013
The Big Challenge France 2012
The Book day Italy 2013
The Danish Simulator Denmark 2012
The English Corner Denmark 2005
The English Track Sweden 2009
The global classroom Sweden 2001
The Golden Memories Hotel Finland 2004
The Icelandic game Iceland 2009
The Icelandic Village Iceland 2013
The image of the other Denmark 2006
The Influence of the Pinata on Spanish Culture Ireland 2010
The international label at the university Lille 1 France 2012
The job profile "teacher of Italian as a second language for tourism and hotel operators": a certified teaching competence at the service of the Italian tourism industry in Italy and in the world Italy 2013
The Language Journey – The Language Friends Project Sweden 2007
The Magic of Melpomene - Supporting Foreign Language Learning Bulgaria 2006
The Rainbow - Regnbågen (magazine) Sweden 2013
The Rainbow people Italy 2012
The Routes into Languages Leader Award, and the Language BeatZ project United Kingdom 2013
The Russian Language Day Estonia 2009
The Saami Language Centre Norway 2000
The Spanish Classroom Sweden 2008
The State of the nation Sweden 2001
The Suffolk Hotel United Kingdom 2008
The teaching and learning of languages in the secondary education through the use of language rooms and new technology Cyprus 2003
The Weather Cyprus 2005
The world & us - Världen & vi (magazine) Sweden 2013
The World Must Not Forget Lithuania 2005
The World Of The Signs Spain 2011
Theatergruppe Babylon: Nasrin oder Die Kunst zu träumen von Herbert Asmodi (2010/11) Germany 2011
THEATRE Cyprus 2005
Three hands Austria 2007
TKT - Content and Language Integrated Learning. Nuove metodologie di insegnamento della lingua inglese per un approccio linguistico integrato Italy 2010
TOEIC Camp Europe Romania 2008
Together Romania 2010
Togetherness for Success Germany 2013
Tomorrow's World France 2008
Touch the language Denmark 2006
Training Students for Agriculture Romania 2010
Translation day Czech Republic 2009
Translation Nation United Kingdom 2012
Une, deux, trois…langues France 2008
University Programme: Dual Language Programme (DLP) Austria 2006
Using Film to Develop Motivation and Confidence in Listening and Speaking United Kingdom 2013
Utilização das Ferramentas Multimédia nas Aulas de Línguas Estrangeiras Portugal 2004
Versatile Language Programme through Co-operation Finland 1999
Vet4Vip Ellvis Italy 2012
View it Yourself – A teaching – learning project for foreign language teachers Germany 2007
Vigrestad School/School 1213, Moscow Norway 1999
Virksomhedsdansk /Danish for employees in a production enterprise Denmark 2005
Visaeus Germany 2009
Vores Faellessprog/Our common language Denmark 2007
Výuka německého jazyka na technických fakultách u studentů s dyslexií Czech Republic 2008
W.A. Mozart und L. van Beethoven in der Schule Lithuania 2005
We have a dream: Peter and the bully Italy 2013
Web del Observatorio Atrium Linguarum Spain 2006
Welcome in English Italy 2012
Welcome to Tulle, Vocational English with Native Speakers France 2006
What a Punishment - Lingue a teatro Italy 2011
Where do the raindrops disappear to? Czech Republic 2011
Work Global, Speak Local! – Plurilingualism at the FH Kärnten (Carinthian University of Applied Sciences) Austria 2011
Working and learning together; the ISO network as a support for learners and teachers of languages Finland 2006
Writing your own Spanish Dictionary as a Collaborative Task United Kingdom 2013 – Online-Plattform for the Exchange of Modular Teaching/Learning Units for Teaching Italian in Schools Austria 2006
xxx1 Belgium 1999
YELL – Young Europeans Love Languages Germany 2011
YET (Youth, Europe and Theatre) Finland 2008
YLVA Denmark 2010
YOUNG – Bridges for the Future Romania 2011
Yrkja Iceland 2011
ZORGkabiNED Belgium 2009
21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: