Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here:

15 December 2014

Revised version of the Guidelines available online

A revised version of the Guidelines entitled “Quality, Innovation and Networking in Language Learning”, produced by NELLIP contractual partners, is now available on the project portal at: The Guidelines have been improved in order to answer the requests and the needs of the end users as they emerged during the National Workshops organized ( The Guidelines are organized in four main sections. Each section addresses one of the four target groups of the NELLIP Network. The Guidelines have the aim to provide end users with relevant information on how to promote quality, exploitation and networking in the field of language learning with reference to the European Language. The Guidelines have been translated in 8 different languages. An extract of the Guidelines has been produced in order to facilitate its distribution during workshops, seminars, etc.

10 December 2014

Report on the Transnational Workshop

The Report on the NELLIP Transnational Report, entitled “Quality in Language Learning and Future Perspectives of the European Language Label”, is now available at: The Report includes the following sections: Programme, Minutes, Participants, Certificate, Link, Pictures and Video. The workshop participants highly appreciated the skills of the moderators and the cooperative work developed, which lead to important conclusions and reflections. Those results were possible thanks to the positive interaction among participants and the good organisation of the event.

17 November 2014

Transnational Workshop “Quality in Language Learning and Future Perspectives of the European Language Label”

The Transnational Workshop “Quality in Language Learning and Future Perspectives of the European Language Label” was held in Florence on 14 November 2014 in the framework of the International Conference ICT for Language Learning. The Workshop was opened by Manola Peschieri, Policy Officer and Coordinator of the European Language Label at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture. An introduction to the works was also made by Barbara Hermans, Project Officer and Languages Programme Manager, at the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Then participants split up into three thematic groups: initial and in-service training of language teachers, moderated by Ingrid Gran (Swedish National Agency) and Roxana Barlea (Prosper-ASE); transferability potential of successful best practice, moderated by Jurgita Melaikiene (Lithuanian National Agency) and Alan Bruce (Universal Learning System); language project and social inclusion, moderated by Lieselotte Wengberg (Fågelskolan) and Mayte Martin (Universal Learning System). The Workshop ended with the presentation of the results reached during the practical session.

13 November 2014

Sixth Meeting of the NELLIP Network project

The sixth meeting of the NELLIP project was held in Florence (Italy) on 12 November 2014. During the meeting, project partners described all the expected and unexpected deliverables reached in the framework of the NELLIP project: database of the awarded projects, case studies, best practice, guidelines, workshops, dissemination and exploitation results. Those deliverables were also presented to Barbara Hermans (EACEA) and Lydia Pavlopoulou (external evaluator). In addition, project partners discussed the strategies for the exploitation of the results and planned further activities for the sustainability of the project.

16 October 2014

NELLIP National Workshops

28 National Workshops were organized in the framework of the NELLIP project throughout Europe in 12 hosting countries. A total of 428 participants were involved representing language teachers, language trainers and experts. The tangible results achieved in the framework of the workshops include: 33 improvement plans produced by the participants in the workshops, 3 project proposals submitted in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, 15 new language projects submitted in the framework of the European Language Label. As integration to the national workshops, 25 transnational meetings were carried out online. More information at:

16 September 2014

Transnational Workshop on “Quality in Language Learning and Future Perspectives of the European Language Label”

The Transnational Workshop entitled “Quality in Language Learning and Future Perspectives of the European Language Label” will be organized on Friday 14 November 2014 morning, in the framework of the 7th edition of the “ ICT for Language Learning Conference” that will be held in Florence, Italy, at Hotel Mediterraneo. The workshop is addressed to language teachers and experts working in schools, universities, vocational education and training centres as well as in adult education institutions. More information is available at: For registrations and information please contact: [email protected].

27 August 2014

NELLIP at the Finnish National Board of Education

On 26 August 2014 the NELLIP network attended the yearly meeting of the Finnish National Board of Education. In particular Kati Valtonen from Omnia, one of NELLIP project partners, joined the European Language Label jury which selected the 2014 winners of the European Language Label.

09 July 2014

Transnational Report of the National Workshops available online

A Transnational Report of the National Workshops organized by the NELLIP partners is now available online. The Report provides information about the Workshops organized in 12 different countries, with reference to: number of participants, topics discussed, transnational discussions carried out, main results achieved.

15 June 2014

NELLIP at “The Future of Education” International Conference

The NELLIP Network was presented in the framework of the fourth edition of the International Conference “The Future of Education” held on 12-13June 2014. The fourth edition of The Future of Education Conference brought together 200 participants from more than 50 countries. The conference participants mostly belong to the higher education sector but also some schools attended the event. In the framework of the conference, a specific poster on the NELLIP project was presented. More information is available in the Events section.

12 June 2014

New logo for the European Language Label

What has been in the air for some time has now become official: the European Language Label has a brand new logo. It is blue and, instead of the "bubbles", there is the EU flag, while the mention of the ELL in the national language is in another font. The new logo is the one in the image on the left hand side.

29 May 2014

Fifth Meeting of the NELLIP Network project

The fifth meeting of the NELLIP project was held in Cáceres (Spain) on 26-27 May 2014. During the transnational meeting, the project partners presented the activities carried out, with a specific focus on the main results achieved in the framework of the national workshops organized in 12 European countries. During the meeting plans were also made about the activities to carry out in the next few months and about the organization of the next and last transnational workshop.

23 May 2014

Reports on National Workshops available online

Reports on National Workshops are available online on the NELLIP web site.. This section provides information and presents the results achieved in each National Workshop: programme; moderators and experts involved; participants; materials used; report; evaluation report; results; conclusions; photos; video.

10 May 2014

Comments to the case studies available

As result of the activities carried out during the National Workshops, several comments have been posted in the case studies’ section of the portal. Those case studies have been analyzed during the National workshops and have been object of improvement plans. The case studies are available to language experts, teachers and students who can freely use them as benchmarks for their personal experience and daily activity.

28 April 2014

NELLIP National Workshop in Hungary

On 24 April 2014 a NELLIP National Workshop was organized in Budapest (Hungary), a country not previously covered by the work of the NELLIP Project partners.16 participants attended the Workshop, expressing their interest towards the project.

26 April 2014

NELLIP National Workshops in Sweden

Fågelskolan organised 4 National Workshops (link a National Workshop – Sweden), in the framework of the NELLIP project. The workshops were organized on the following dates: 28 February, 11 march, 11 April and 24 April. More than 50 participants attended the workshops organized by Fågelskolan. Participants were pleased with the organization, stated objectives, the facilitators and the practical activities of the workshop. The interaction level in the group of participants was very high.

20 April 2014

NELLIP National Workshops in Lithuania

18 October 2013, 21 February and 14 March: those are the dates in which Public Service Language Centre organized its NELLIP National Workshops in Lithuania. Workshops participants worked in small groups and defined a specific improvement plans addressed to language initiatives and projects.

19 April 2014

NELLIP National Workshops in Ireland

Universal Learning System organized 3 National Workshops in Dublin. Workshop participants focused on the following topics: needs of practitioners to develop language programmes, the importance of language learning and its added benefits; language and its link to cultural identity (Irish language and languages spoken by migrants in Ireland), and the future of language projects.

18 April 2014

NELLIP National Workshops in Italia

Pixel organized 3 NELLIP National Workshops on 24 January, 28 February and 11 April 2014. Each workshop focused on a specific topic: quality, innovation and networking. In addition, a transnational discussion with Sweden and Ireland was made available through Skype calls.

17 April 2014

NELLIP National Workshops in Finland

Three NELLIP National Workshops have been organized by Omnia in Espoo (Finland) on 24 anuary, 28 February and 21 March 2014. More than 30 participants actively contributed to the success of the Workshops, which were organized in close cooperation with the Finnish National Agency.

16 April 2014

NELLIP National Workshops in Bulgaria

Three NELLIP National Workshops have been organized by KU TU in Sofia (Bulgaria) on 14 February, 11 March and 11 April 2014. More than 30 participants were involved in the Workshops. Each workshop was addressed to a different topic, quality, innovation and networking in language projects and initiatives. Workshops were highly appreciated by the participants and the provided information opened many discussions among them on issues related to language learning on national and European level.

15 April 2014

NELLIP National Workshop in Austria

A NELLIP National Workshop was organized in Graz (Austria) on 11 April 2014. The workshop was very successful in that it enabled those present to think about quality issues and networking in relation to projects and to find out more about how the ELL scheme works in Austria as well as about Erasmus Plus. Participants also worked in groups to develop outline project proposals relevant to their respective contexts.

10 April 2014

NELLIP profile on Facebook

The NELLIP Facebook profile is expanding day after day. More than 600 people already became NELLIP friends on Facebook. In addition, a specific group, NELLIP Network Members, has been created: it is addressed to language experts and providers.

22 March 2014

NELLIP National Workshop in United Kingdom

One NELLIP National Workshop was organized in London (United Kingdom) on 21 March 2014. The workshop was successful in that it enabled those present to focus intensively on practical and quality issues in projects of various different kinds that they were involved in. Participants were gently introduced to elements of the Nellip Guidelines.

20 March 2014

93 members in the NELLIP network

The NELLIP network is now composed by 93 associated members and the number is still growing. Members of the NELLIP network are organizations interested in the promotion of quality in language learning and teaching. The NELLIP network’s members were awarded the European Language Label for their quality projects in the field of language learning. More information on the network is available here

5 February 2014

“Quality, Innovation and Networking in Language Learning” Guidelines now available

The Guidelines entitled “Quality, Innovation and Networking in Language Learning”, produced by NELLIP contractual partners, are now available on the project portal at: The Guidelines have the aim to promote quality, exploitation and networking in the field of language learning with reference to the European Language Label. The guidelines are organized in four main sections each section addresses each of the NELLIP network target groups: school education, higher education, adult education, vocational education and training.

15 February 2014

Spanish National Workshop

University of Extremadura organized a three day national Workshop in Caceres about the NELLIP project. The Workshop was held on 12-13-14 February 2014. More than 100 participants attended the workshop. The European Commission’s Multilingualism Unit’s web site published the information about the NELLIP Workshop organized by the Spanish project partner. More information about this event is available at:

18 January 2014

National Workshops on Quality, Innovation and Networking

NELLIP is currently organizing national workshops in different countries on the promotion of quality, innovation and networking in the field of language learning. The workshops are addressed to experts in the field of language learning and to organizations that were awarded the European Language Label. The national workshops are organized in cooperation with the National Agencies that are in charge of the Lifelong Learning and Erasmus+ programmes as well as of the European Language Label . During each national workshop a videoconference with other NELLIP national workshops is organized with the aim to compare, at transnational level, the results achieved in national working groups . The workshops’ calendar and national contact information is available at: The brochure presenting the workshops can be downloaded at: Workshop Brochure.pdf

08 December 2013

NELLIP at the" Swedish European Language Label Awarding Ceremony

Anna Lagnevik and Lieselotte Wengberg from Fagelskolan were invited to present the NELLIP project in the framework of the “2013 European Language Label Awarding Ceremony” organized by Skolverket, the Swedish National Agency. The event was held in Stockholm on 6 December 2013.

5 December 2013

NELLIP at the International Conference “Learning and Teaching English in the Digital Age: Policy and Practice in Europe”

Pixel participated in the International Conference “Learning and Teaching English in the Digital Age: Policy and Practice in Europe” organized by the British Council. The conference was held in Barcelona (Spain) on 2-4 December 2013. The conference’s aim was to bring together decision makers, decision influencers and experts in the field to discuss current and future needs for effective English language learning and teaching within state sector education systems. During the event the about 60 participants from around 16 different countries identified and reviewed the possibilities and opportunities for responding to these needs more effectively in the digital age. Several brochures of the NELLIP project were distributed among the participants and the project was presented and discussed with relevant stakeholders who expressed a lot of interest.

18 November 2013

NELLIP Transnational Workshop

The Transnational Workshop entitled “Quality in Language Learning and the European Language Label” was held on Friday 15 November 2013, in the framework of the 6th edition of the ICT for Language Learning Conference. The workshop was addressed to language teachers and experts working in schools, universities, vocational education and training centres as well as in adult education institutions. The workshop started with an opening by the policy officer in charge of the European Language Label at the European Commission DG EAC, Ms. Manola Peschieri. The works were carried out in groups organized according to thematic areas. Each thematic group was coordinated by an expert in cooperation with an officer in charge of the European Language Label in LLP National Agencies.

14 November 2013

Fourth Meeting of the NELLIP Network project

The fourth meeting of the NELLIP project was held in Florence, on 12-13 November 2013. During the meeting, the project partners presented the activities carried out and the results reached. These were jointly assessed and evaluated. The NELLIP partnership’s discussion focused on the finalization of the Guidelines on Quality in Language Learning with reference to the European Language Label and on the organization of the Workshops. In particular, the templates for the organization of the Workshops were presented and approved by the partnership. Finally, the activities to be carried out in the future months were further planned

14 October 2013

Updated presentation of the NELLIP Project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here.

09 October 2013

International Conference “Intercultural Horizons”

The NELLIP Network was presented in the framework of the third edition of the International Conference Intercultural Horizons held in Siena on 07 October 2013. The conference was organized by The International Center for Intercultural Exchange. In the framework of one of the conference sessions, Elisabetta Delle Donne gave a speech on the NELLIP project, that has the aim to promote quality in language learning through the application of the quality criteria used to award the European Language Label. A relevant interest was expressed from the audience and some of the participants are currently in the process of officially joining the NELLIP network or presenting applications to the European Language Label. More information about the event is available on the International Center for Intercultural Exchange web site at:

08 October 2013

Nanjing International Conference

Mercedes Rico García and Eva María Domínguez presented Nellip project and updates at Nanjing International Conference (Nanjing- China) on 5th -9th October 2013 and also attended a workshop at the Department of Foreign Languages (Nanjing University) on 7th October 2013 where they briefly introduced Nellip’s objectives, target groups, main activities and results.

1 October 2013

Transnational Workshop on Quality and the European Language Label

The Transnational Workshop entitled Quality in Language Learning and the European Language Label, will be organized on Friday 15 November 2013 morning, in the framework of the ICT for Language Learning Conference that will be held in Florence, Italy, at Hotel Mediterraneo. The workshop is addressed to language teachers and experts working in schools, universities, vocational education and training centres as well as in adult education institutions. The workshop will start with an opening by the policy officer in charge of the European Language Label at the European Commission DG EAC, Ms. Manola Peschieri. The works will be carried out in groups organized according to thematic areas. Each thematic group will be coordinated by an expert in cooperation with an officer in charge of the European Language Label in LLP National Agencies. Participation in the workshop is free for the members of the NELLIP network as well as for the officers in charge of the European Language Label in the LLP National Agencies. However registration is compulsory. More information is available at: For registrations and information please contact: [email protected].

28 September 2013

NELLIP at “LinguaFEST 2013”

On 26 September 2013 the NELLIP project was presented at “LinguaFEST 2013”, the European Day of Languages organized by the Romanian National Agency. Roxana Bârlea (PROSPER-ASE) gave a speech about the project focusing on its main benefits: the database of successful projects and case studies as examples of best practice, the set of criteria and guidelines developed by the project partnership, in order to help project promoters to enhance the quality of their projects and to prepare for ELL-award applications successfully. Roxana’s presentation ended with an invitation for all the participants to attend a series of NELLIP workshops to be organized in 2014.

10 September 2013

First National Workshop organized in Italy

The first NELLIP National Workshop on quality in language learning and the European Language Label will be organized in Italy in the framework of the National in-Service Training Seminar entitled “Languages and the City, Labour, Citizens, Cultures”. The event is organized by LEND the Languages and New Education Association. The NELLIP workshop will be held on 26 October 2013, at the University of Florence, hosting the entire seminar. The workshop will present the European Language Label (ELL) as well as case studies and best practice developed in the framework of projects that were awarded the ELL. Guidelines on Quality in Language Learning will also be presented and discussed. Practical sessions on quality, innovation and networking will be organized. More information on the NELLIP national workshops is available on the Workshop section of the NELLIP internet portal. More information on the first Italian workshop is available, in Italian, on the web pages of the National in-Service Training Seminar entitled “Languages and the City, Labour, Citizens, Cultures”

1 September 2013

NELLIP National Workshops on Quality in Language Learning and the ELL

National workshops on Quality in Language Learning will be organized in the NELLIP partner countries between October 2013 and March 2014. The purpose of the workshops is to offer language learning providers with the opportunity to improve the quality of their language learning initiatives on the basis of the criteria used to award the European Language Label (ELL). The Workshops’ target groups are language learning experts, teachers and trainers. Each workshop has a duration of about 4 hours and is integrated with a virtual meeting. More information is available on the Workshop section of the NELLIP internet portal.

2 July 2013

NELLIP Network is Expanding

The NELLIP network is now composed by 75 associated members and the number is still growing. Members of the NELLIP network are organizations interested in the promotion of quality in language learning and teaching. The NELLIP network’s members were awarded the European Language Label for their quality projects in the field of language learning. The NELLIP members have the possibility to exchange of know-how and experience on quality issues in language learning, develop of contacts with other European experts in the field of language learning and to identify potential partners for international projects in the field of language learning. More information on the network is available here. Information on how to join the NELLIP network is available here

30 June 2013

NELLIP at the" Conference of directors of study abroad programs

Gemma Delicado gave a speech on the Nellip project at the Conference of directors of study abroad programs, Kalamazoo College held on 23rd-29th June 2013. After the conference Gemma handed out Nellip brochures to people interested in it and also presented the possibility to join the network as associate partners by signing the official letters.

20 June 2013

Third Meeting of the NELLIP Network project

The third meeting of the NELLIP project was held in Helsinki, Finland on 17-18 June 2013. The meeting was held at the site of the NELLIP network partner OMNIA. During the meeting, the project partners presented the activities carried out and the results reached. These were jointly assessed and evaluated. The NELLIP partnership’s discussion focused on the Guidelines on Quality in Language Learning with reference to the European Language Label. The structure and contents of the Guidelines that were produced so far were analyzed, discussed, improved. The methodology to carry out the cooperative work for the finalization of the Guidelines was also discussed and adopted. Finally, the activities to be carried out in the future months were further planned, focusing in particular on the planning of the Workshops.

16 June 2013

NELLIP at the EDEN Conference

The NELLIP Network was presented at the EDEN Annual Conference that was held in Oslo, on 12-15 June 2013. The conference title was THE JOY OF LEARNING - Enhancing Learning Experience, Improving Learning Quality. In one of the conference Demonstration Sessions, a presentation and discussion on the NELLIP network was made. More information is available in the Events section

15 June 2013

NELLIP at the The Future of Education International Conference

The NELLIP Network was presented in the framework of the third edition of the International Conference “The Future of Education” held on 13-14 June 2013. The third edition of The Future of Education Conference brought together 300 participants from more than 60 countries. In the framework of the conference session focusing on Studies on Second Language Acquisition, a speech on the NELLIP network was given. More information is available in the Events section

25 May 2013

NELLIP at the" Jornadas ticLINGUAS”

Mercedes Rico García and Eva Domínguez gave a speech on the NELLIP project in Braga (Portugal) on the 23rd - 24th May 2013. This is the first event arranged in our neighbouring country aiming at promoting quality in language learning through the application of the quality criteria used to award the European Language Label. The audience showed a great interest in the project and some of the participants thought about the possibility of presenting applications to the European Language Label.

15 May 2013

International Conference ICT for Language Learning: CALL FOR PAPERS

The 6th edition of the “ICT for Language Learning” Conference will take place in Florence, (Italy), on 14 -15 November 2013. The Call for Papers is addressed to experts in the field of language teaching and learning who are invited to submit their abstracts by 24 June 2013. In the framework of the ICT for Language Learning Conference, the NELLIP project has organized a specific Round Table on the second day of the conference to discuss with experts the European Language Label and its impact on Quality in Language Learning. For further information, please check:

24 April 2013

NELLIP at the meeting of the European Language Label Working Group

The NELLIP network attended the yearly meeting of the European Language Label Working Group that was organized by the European Commission – Directorate General Education Audiovisual and Culture in Brussels on 23 April 2013. Representatives of the National Agencies in charge of the European Language Label attended the event. During the meeting, the NELLIP network objectives and activities were presented. More information is available at the Events section

21 April 2013

The NELLIP network presented at the University of Moscow

The NELLIP Network project was presented in the framework of the International Conference “Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education Institutions” held on 19 – 20 April 2013 in Moscow (Russia). The conference was organized by the People’s Friendship University of Russia and brought together participants representing Russian and European Universities. More information is available at the Events section

26 April 2013

Press Release

Several articles providing information about the NELLIP project are being published on national and international web sites related to language education. The press release section is available on the NELLIP Portal.

12 April 2013

Social Networks

NELLIP is becoming popular on Facebook. The NELLIP Facebook Page. currently has around 500 friends Furthermore, in order to support the cooperation among the NELLIP network members, a Group on Facebook was created. By joining the Facebook Group the members of the NELLIP network have the possibility to share ideas and best practices and know-how in the field of quality in language learning and teaching. Also, a NELLIP Twitter account has recently been created.

20 March 2013

International events

The NELLIP network is being presented in the framework of important international events in the field of education and more specifically of language learning. Information on all events is available at the Events section . In this section of the project portal, it is also possible to look at documents related to each of these events (pictures, videos, reports, etc.).

19 February 2013

Collection of Publications on the European Language Label

Publications produced both by the European Commission and the National Agencies have been made available on the NELLIP web portal at the Publications link.

12 February 2013

Brussels Coordinators’ Meeting

The NELLIP project attended the Project Coordinators Meeting organized in Brussels (4-5 February 2013) by the European Commission and the Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. The Brussels meeting has the aim to provide coordinators with information on administrative aspects of the management of their projects and to facilitate networking among participants.

24 January 2013

NELLIP information on the European Commission’s Multilingualism Unit’s web site

The European Commission’s Multilingualism Unit’s web site published the information about the NELLIP network in its news section. A link to the NELLIP portal has also been made available. The news published on the European Commission’s Multilingualism Unit underlines the mains objectives of the NELLIP Network and focuses on the activities carried out during the first year of the Network, with a specific reference to the databases developed, the best practices identified, and the National Reports on the implementation of the European Language Label produced. Finally the number of the NELLIP network members (67 for the instance) is reported.

10 January 2013

Language Rich Europe Network

The NELLIP network officially joined the Language Rich Europe Network, a networking project which brings together 1200 policy makers and practitioners from 24 countries and regions in Europe to discuss and develop better policies and practices for multilingualism. Network members are drawn from the fields of education, business, public services and the media. Language Rich Europe provides a commentary on current language policies and practices in participating countries/regions, based on research conducted by its partner network of experts and researchers. It captures good practice and brings stakeholders together face-to-face and on-line to learn from each other.

30 December 2012

Transnational Report on the Implementation of the European Language Label

The Transnational Report on the Implementation of the European Language Label is currently being finalized and will soon be available in the Reports section of the NELLIP internet portal. The transnational report presents a comparative transnational analysis of how the European Language Label is organized and managed and carries out a transnational assessment of the impact of the label on the awarded projects. Recommendations and best practices are also included. The report will be available in eight different European languages.

20 December 2012

National Reports on the European Language Label: video and power point presentations

The Nationals reports, already available both in English and in the national language of the country in focus, present the implementation of the European Language Label in 18 European countries. Each report is downloadable from the NELLIP web site in pdf format; also, for each report, a ppt presentation and a video are available to further present and comment the contents addressed by the report. The National reports on the implementation of the European Language Label as well as the ppt presentations and videos are available at the National Reports section of the NELLIP portal.

05 December 2012

Transnational Best Practice Report

The Transnational Best Practice Report is now available online. The Report has identified a collection of best practices available throughout Europe – and selected among the National Best Practices. The Transnational Best Practice Report is organized according to the target sector the selected initiatives address: school education, vocational education and training, higher education, adult education. The selected initiatives can be used as examples and benchmarks to refer to in the planning and development of quality language learning projects and initiatives that may successfully apply for the European Language Label.

28-29 November 2012

Online Educa

The NELLIP Network was presented at the International Conference Online Educa Berlin held in Berlin, on 28-30 November. Online Educa Berlin 2012 brought together over 2000 participants from more than 100 countries to explore the latest issues and research in technology-enhanced learning. In the framework of the conference session focusing on Language Learning: Methods and Tools, Elisabetta Delle Donne gave a speech on the NELLIP project, that has the aim to promote quality in language learning through the application of the quality criteria used to award the European Language Label. More information about the event is available at the following link

18 November 2012

Round Table on the European Language Label

The Round Table The Impact of the European Language Label on Quality in Language Learning was held in Florence on 16 November 2012 in the frame work of the International Conference ICT for Language Learning. The Round Table was opened by the Italian National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme and was divided into four thematic sessions. For each of the four thematic sessions two experts were identified. Three of the five projects that were awarded the “European Language Label of the Labels Awards” in 2012. The winning initiatives that attended the workshop both as experts and as participants were: EuroCatering Language Training (Belgium); CMC_E Communicating in Multilingual Contexts meets the Enterprise (Italy); EuroIntegrELP. (Romania). More information about the thematic sessions of the Round Table and about the experts involved is available at: LINK

13-14 November 2013

Second Meeting of the NELLIP Network project

The second meeting of the NELLIP project was held in Florence on 13-14 November 2012. During the meeting, the project partners presented the activities carried out and the results reached. A comparative analysis of the national reports on the implementation of the European Language Label was carried out and a discussion of the first draft of the transnational report was also made. The Transnational Collection of Best Practice in projects that were awarded the European Language Label was jointly analyzed. Also, the activities to be carried out in the future months were further planned, focusing in particular on the organization of the work for producing the Guidelines on the planning of quality language learning initiatives.

10 November 2012

Nellip at the Focus Group on Multilingualism

On 7 November 2012, the Italian National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme, Isfol organized the Focus Group entitled “Multilingualism for mobility and employment”. The Focus Group aimed at the analysis of strategic issues linked to language learning in relation with mobility and employment. The Focus Group was addressed to key role figures involved in the promotion of language teaching and learning in Italy. The NELLIP network was presented to the plenary audience as a good practice in foreign languages teaching and learning processes. More information about the Focus Group is available on the Isfol, Italian National Agency's web site.

3 November 2012

Round Table on the European Language Label

The Round Table entitled The Impact of the European Language Label on Quality in Language Learning, will be organized on Friday 16 November 2012 morning, in the framework of the ICT for Language Learning Conference that will be held in Florence at Hotel Mediterraneo. The Round Table is coordinated by Indire, the Italian National Agency in charge of the European Language Label.
 Participation in the Round Table is free for the members of the NELLIP network, however registration is compulsory. More information is available at: For registrations and information please contact: [email protected].

15 October 2012

The NELLIP network is expanding

Over fifty organizations throughout Europe have officially joined the NELLIP network so far. These are: public bodies, chambers of commerce, public schools, language schools, vocational training institutions, cultural associations etc.
They contribute to the NELLIP network through: exchanging of experience and expertise; disseminating the information about the network’s initiatives, contributing to the exploitation and sustainability of the NELLIP network results, contributing to the definition of quality criteria in language learning etc.
The benefits of official members of the NELLIP network include: participation, for free, in the yearly Round Table on Quality and the European Language Label, participation, for free, in the national workshops organized by the NELLIP network on the topic of quality in language learning, transnational exchange of know-how and experience on quality issues in language learning, exchange of experiences as far as participating in the European Language Label is concerned etc.
The information on the members of the NELLIP network is available here

1 October 2012

NELLIP at the ICT for Language Learning International Conference

NELLIP is actively involved in the organization of the ICT for Language Learning international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 15-16 November 2012. Around 200 participants from all over the world are expected to attend the event. The conference participants are experts in the field of language teaching and learning as well as language teachers, researchers and project coordinators in the field of languages. All of the NELLIP network’s contractual partners will attend the event and are involved either as members of the scientific committee of the conference or as the conference moderators. During the conference a specific workshop on the impact of the European language Label on quality of language learning will be organized. Further information on the conference is available at:

29 September 2012

European Language Label of the Labels Awards

Five projects which have shown outstanding performance in promoting the teaching and learning of languages were awarded the first “European Language Label of the Labels Awards” during an official ceremonial held in Lymassol (Cyprus) on 27 September 2012. The winning initiatives are based in Belgium, Italy, Lithuania, Norway and Romania and are among the initiatives chosen by the NELLIP network as Best Practices. The awards were presented by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
The awarded projects are:
- EuroCatering Language Training (Belgium)
- CMC_E Communicating in Multilingual Contexts meets the Enterprise (Italy).
- Learning by moving (Lithuania)
- My language, your language (Norway)
- EuroIntegrELP. (Romania)

More information available on the European Commission’s Multilingualism web site at: The specific information on the Label of the Labels Conference is available at:

27 September 2012

Nellip Network presented at Istanbul University

On 25 – 26 September, the Nellip network was presented at Istanbul University during an international event organized by the International Relations Department. Several teachers and students of Istanbul University as well as of other European universities were involved in the event that was held at Beyazit Campus in Istanbul city centre. More information about the event is available at:

10 September 2012

National Reports on the Implementation of the European Language Label

The NELLIP network is currently developing National Reports on the Implementation of the European Language Label in 16 different European countries. Each report presents how the European Language Label is organized and managed in the countries in focus. A description of the national label campaigns and national priorities is provided. The reports also focus on how the label is awarded in each country and carries out an assessment of the impact of the label on the awarded projects. Recommendations and best practices are also included in each report. The reports are based on the results of the case studies and best practices identified and are being created in close cooperation with the relevant Nationals Agencies.

20 August 2012

Best Practices developed in projects that were awarded the European Language Label

Best practices are being selected by the NELLIP network in cooperation with the 18 National Agencies involved in the project through the partner institutions. The selected best practices are identified among the pre-selected case studies. Each national selection of best practices is also introduced by a short Report developed by the national experts. Around 60 best practices are currently being identified and uploaded on the Best Practices section of the NELLIP Portal.

10 July 2012

Case Studies on Initiatives that were awarded the European Language Label

The NELLIP Network is carrying out Case Studies on a selection of quality projects and initiatives that were awarded the European Language Label. The selection of case studies was carried out in close cooperation with the 18 National Agencies involved in the project through the partner institutions. Each Case Study is analyzed through a direct contact with the manager of the language learning initiative itself. A detailed analysis of the methodology adopted to develop the initiative is made and feedbacks are also being provided, on each of the selected Case Study, by the National Agency who selected it. The approach adopted for the creation of each of the case studies, started from a bottom up approach taking into account, first of all, the perspective of the promoter of the initiative. The description of the promoter of each of the selected initiative was then integrated with the perspective of both the National Agency who selected it and the experts of the NELLIP network.

15 June 2012

Label of the Labels Ceremony in Cyprus

Some of the NELLIP network’s members have been selected by their National Agencies to participate to the Label of the Labels ceremony that will be held in Cyprus on 26 – 28 September to select the best European project for the promotion of language learning among those that were awarded the European Language Label. The NELLIP partners selected to attend the Label of the Labels event are: KU TU (Bulgaria), PROSPER-ASE (Romania), Public Service Language Centre (Lithuania) and Omnia (Finland).

30 May 2012

Database of projects that received the European Language Label now available on the NELLIP Portal

A database of 450 projects that received the European Language Label in 22 different European countries was created by the NELLIP Network. The selection was made on the basis of the consistency of the awarded projects and initiatives with the current European political priorities in the field of language learning. The selection was carried out in close cooperation with the National Agencies in charge of the European Language Label in the European countries involved.

19 May 2012

NELLIP at the Future of Education Conference

NELLIP will be presented at the “Future of Education” international conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 7 - 8 June 2012. Over 250 participants from all over the world will attend the conference. The conference participants belong to the sectors of higher education, school education, vocational education and training as well as adult education, therefore representing all of the target groups of the NELLIP network. The opening speech at the conference will be made by Mr Stanislav Ranguelov senior officer at the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission.

10 May 2012

Publications on Quality Language Learning now available on NELLIP

A selection of publications and reports on quality Language Learning is available at the Publications section of the NELLIP portal. Most of the publications and reports collected in the Links section were published by the Multilingualism Unit of the European Commission. The collection includes publications on motivating learners, strategies to improve language skills, on language skills for the labour market, translations etc.

30 April 2012

NELLIP is on Facebook

At the beginning of April 2012, the NELLIP network’s Facebook page was created. About one month after its creation, NELLIP’s page on Facebook has 107 friends and followers. The majority of NELLIP’s friends on Facebook are language teachers and experts as well as language schools and networks based all over the world. On Facebook, NELLIP shares information about the activities carried out by the network. On Facebook NELLIP also shares documents, publications, videos on quality language learning as well as on the European Language Label related issues. The implementation of NELLIP Facebook page is a mean to exploit the NELLIP network’s activities. NELLIP’s Facebook page is available at:

14 April 2012

Selection of national language learning initiatives that were awarded the European Language Label

The NELLIP project partnership is currently searching, selecting and reviewing language learning initiatives that were awarded the European Language Label. The selected initiatives refer to the four main educational sectors: School Education, Higher Education, Adult Education and Vocational Education and Training. The in progress results of this research activity are currently being uploaded on the Database section of the NELLIP project portal.

30 March 2012

NELLIP on international web sites

A number of articles were published on the NELLIP network on relevant web sites related to language learning. For example, both the Polish National Agency and the Romanian National Agency in charge of the European Language Label published an article about NELLIP on their official web sites. Also, the project which has been working for more than a year on behalf of the European Commission on multilingualism in Europe has introduced the NELLIP network in the Media Centre section. More information about information initiatives on NELLIP is available on the Dissemination section of the NELLIP web site.

16 March 2012

Presentation of NELLIP during the Romanian National Agency Award Ceremony

Today, the European Language Label event and award ceremony were held at the Romanian National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme in Bucharest. The NELLIP project was included by the National Agency’s Director in her presentation and a screenshot of the NELLIP web site was included in their ppt. The Romanian national agency had been previously informed about the NELLIP project by both Romanian project partners: EuroEd and PROSPER-ASE .

10 March 2012

Information of the National Agencies

The NELLIP project partners are making first contacts with the National Agencies in charge of awarding the European Language Label at national level. The National Agencies were informed about the project objectives, activities and expected results so as to make them aware of the project and to, possibly, cooperate with them in the carrying out of some of the project activities.

24 February 2012

First Meeting of the NELLIP Network project

On 23 and 24 February, the first project meeting took place in Florence (Italy) at Pixel site. The aim of the first meeting was to share with the project partners the information about the project objectives, activities to be carried out and expected results. The templates and guidelines proposed to carry out each of the project's activities were presented and discussed with all partners to be revised and adopted. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to get to know each other and get all information about each other's expertise and experience.

18 February 2012

Project Coordinators’ Meeting in Brussels

On 16-17 February 2012, Pixel, the project promoter, attended the Comenius, ICT and Languages projects' meeting organized by the EACEA in Brussels. The meeting was addressed to the coordinators of projects selected for Community funding in 2011. The two-day event has been designed to provide coordinators with detailed information on administrative, technical and financial aspects of the management of their projects and to facilitate networking among participants. More information is available at:

1 February 2012

European Language Label 2012: calls for applications

Calls for applications for the 2012 European Language Label are now opening. The deadlines are different in the different European countries. Please check the National Agencies’ web sites for the national deadlines for application. Just a few examples: in the UK the deadline is 4 March 2012, in Ireland it is 30 March 2012, in Slovakia it is 18 April 2012, in the Czech Republic it is 5 May 2012, in France it is 15 May 2012, in Italy the deadline is 1 June 2012, in Sweden it is 20 August etc.

15 January 2012

Pre-selection of language learning initiatives that were awarded the European Language Label

The project partners are currently pre-selecting ten national language learning initiatives that were awarded the European language label. These will be presented during the first project meeting that will be held in the month of February in Florence. The purpose of the selection is to find out about the number of initiatives having received the European Language Label at national level and their typologies.

1 January 2012

Start Date of the Nellip Project

The NELLIP project, funded by the European Commission, in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme – KA2 Languages Sub programme, officially starts today. The project is promoted by Pixel. Eleven organizations specialized in language learning based in nine European countries are officially involved in the project as contractual partners. The project has the objective to improve the quality of language learning through the application of the quality criteria used to award the European Language Label.

21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: