Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Also available in:



Homepage > Reports > Transnational Report

Transnational Report

From this section it is possible to access to the Transnational Report on the Implementation of the European Language Label.  The report presents a comparative transnational analysis of how the European Language Label is organized and managed throughout Europe.  The transnational report provides quantitative and qualitative  information on the projects that were awarded the European Language Label. The report also carries out a transnational assessment of the impact of the label on the awarded projects. Recommendations and best practices are also included.

The report is developed on the basis of a comparative analysis of the National Reports produced.

The report is available in eleven different European languages.

English Version


21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: