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Touch the language
A creative teaching material with the goal of supporting children's linguistic self-confidence by starting off with some recognizable surroundings plotted in a fantasy universe as an appetizer. The material consists of book Save our Sam, a teacher’s guide and an exercise book. The material has a tactile learning focus and it involves games, drawing and writing.
In a fantasy country called Waxony, Daffy the dragon lives. One day he goes out to see the world and in London, he meets the children Rajiv and Aby and their ghost Spooky. They become friends and together they free Sam the princess, who is taken prisoner by the evil witch Bronwyn.
It is largely the history of the teaching materials Professor Merete Olsen received the European Language Label Award for. The material is called Wings and is a textbook system for English in the fourth grade. It consists of the book "SOS Save our Sam," a teacher's guide and an exercise book.
"The fundamental goal of the material is to support children's linguistic self-confidence by starting off with some recognizable surroundings plotted in a fantasy universe as an appetizer,"
In the learning style that is the foundation for the material, the focus on is on a tactile approach - to touch things and to do something active. Merete Olsen calls it to perform linguistic action. Therefore, the accompanying exercise book is full of common games and drawing / writing tasks.
[email protected].
Merete Olsen
Haslev Seminarium,
Søndergade 12, 4690, Haslev
Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning