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Europe - Our heritage and Future
The project aims at improving language skills and simultaneously improving the geographic, historical, cultural and artistic knowledge, contributing also to the updating of the teachers' skills in the area of intercultural teaching. The objective focused on the development and consolidation of the European dimension, particularly in the cultural and language areas. Thus, the methodologies developed made use of the ICT, as main tool for the students, as a result of which they constructed a web page. Furthermore, they have produced texts on different subjects, which make part of several keebooks; a game called "Treasure Map", for which several questionnaires had to be made, besides an intense exchange of e-mail, all these have contributed to improve linguistic and communication skills. The results dissemination has been done both by the school web site and by the project web site; several exhibitions were held in the school premises and by the local / regional press.
Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning