Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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It’s in the bag

The project is the result of a partnership between the vocational education school “E. Tosi” and a group of students from Maidstone (UK) who worked together on the following topic: “the production of a handbag and its marketing”. The joint project aimed to increase and to broaden the language skills and the professional expertise of all members of the partnership and to improve the mutual cultural understanding and the social skills among students from two different European countries. The experience, based on a cooperation between school, experts and the partner entrepreneur, has given the chance to study a few economic themes in more depth, to write a business plan in English, to create multimedia presentations in English and to produce the prototype of a handbag.

Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning

  • enhancement of quality of language teaching
  • promotion of new approaches to language teaching and learning
  • promotion of language learning for specific purposes
Target Language
Educational Sector
School Education

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21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: