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Nordic Language Pilots
Project Manager for the Nordic languages pilots Lis Madsen has developed a training concept which was proven very useful in the training of Nordic school teachers. The courses give directly the participants an insight into the Nordic languages and Nordic culture / literature. At the same time on the courses they work with developing new methods and didactics specific for neighbor languages. The Language Pilots continually work to develop the area and act as ambassadors for education in Nordic languages. Link to the web site in Danish: http://www.sprogpiloter.dk/
The aim of the project with Language Pilots is to make teaching in the Nordic countries exciting for pupils in primary schools. It is particularly aimed at:
• teachers who are seeking inspiration for teaching in the Nordic
• teachers who are interested in training to be Language Pilots
• educate language pilots who can inform about ongoing events
The project has already resulted in the trained 59 pilots Nordic languages in the Region:Denmark 20, Finland 7, 3 Faroe Islands, Iceland 9, Norway 4, Sweden 16.
A language pilot is:
A Language Pilot is:
• a teacher trainer, who focuses on neighbor languages and involves different dimensions of teaching in primary schools
• a teacher trainer, who contribute to improving the practical part of neighbor language teaching qualitatively as well as quantitatively
• a resource person, an advisor and a driving force who can contribute to implement existing teaching materials and develop practical teaching examples and methods
There will be 1-2 courses / events per year. The target groups for these courses are teachers in primary and secondary school.
It is essential that Language Pilots have a website to inform about new courses and new initiatives.
Lis Madsen
Schæffergaarden, Jægersborg Alle 166
2820 Gentofte
+45 4189 7671
Email: [email protected]
Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning