Complementary study programme in Austrian Sign Language (ASL) |
Austria |
2011 |
Language for Healthcare – Healthcare without Borders |
Austria |
2009 |
PLURILINGUALISM - The Present and Future of a United Europe |
Austria |
2010 |
I speak football-Learn a language 2008 |
Austria |
2008 |
Three hands |
Austria |
2007 |
Talk and Listen to Me – Training Parents to Support their Children’s Early Language Learning in a Multilingual Context |
Austria |
2010 |
Life Perspectives. Practised (Career) Orientation |
Austria |
2011 |
Language Education in the Language Institute of the Austrian Federal Army |
Austria |
2009 |
Work Global, Speak Local! – Plurilingualism at the FH Kärnten (Carinthian University of Applied Sciences) |
Austria |
2011 |
PH goes East, Faculty of Educational Sciences in Vienna |
Austria |
2011 |
Dynamo- Network for Facilitating Basic Qualifications and Graduation Diplomas for Young Adults as well as Integration in the Educational System and Employability |
Austria |
2009 |
EuroCatering |
Belgium |
2011 |
La Reconfiguration. Naar een optimale onderlinge afstemming tussen initiële vorming en navorming didactiek Frans vreemde taal |
Belgium |
2006 |
CLIL en interculturele samenwerking in het studiegebied Handel |
Belgium |
2008 |
Nederlands voor anderstaligen + taalpreventie |
Belgium |
2004 |
eJournal: Deutsch macht Spass - Jugendliche in Europa |
Belgium |
2008 |
Belgium |
2009 |
Learn English through songs |
Belgium |
2011 |
Language Festival |
Belgium |
2011 |
Light Me Up! - Language Lessons for Abroad |
Bulgaria |
2010 |
SHOPLANG - The Shopping Language Game |
Bulgaria |
2008 |
Signs in the City |
Bulgaria |
2008 |
ATTIC: Local Goes Global |
Bulgaria |
2009 |
Equality in Diversity |
Bulgaria |
2009 |
Listen and Touch |
Bulgaria |
2004 |
The Magic of Melpomene - Supporting Foreign Language Learning |
Bulgaria |
2006 |
Lingua Consult |
Bulgaria |
2003 |
Multimedia Course “Bulgarian for Foreigners” |
Bulgaria |
2007 |
Studying Balkan Languages – Road to European Culture |
Bulgaria |
2007 |
Bridges for Education |
Bulgaria |
2003 |
The “PLUS” Module |
Bulgaria |
2002 |
Slavic Networking - Lingvistic and cultural integration |
Czech Republic |
2006 |
A guide to traditional ball games in Visegrad countries |
Czech Republic |
2011 |
Cross Perspectives On Exile |
Czech Republic |
2011 |
Becoming a Better Global Citizen – a challenge for the 21st century |
Czech Republic |
2005 |
Translation day |
Czech Republic |
2009 |
Česko-německá jazyková animace - vzdělávací kurzy pro jazykové animátory |
Czech Republic |
2008 |
Lanterna Futuri |
Czech Republic |
2008 |
Cool School – learning can be fun |
Czech Republic |
2011 |
International Summer Language School |
Czech Republic |
2004 |
Das Kindergartenjahr in Tschechien, in der Slowakei und in Deutschland |
Czech Republic |
2005 |
Pride and Prejudice |
Czech Republic |
2011 |
Professor dr. ABC |
Denmark |
2009 |
Den digitale udtaletraener/ Digital pronounciation training |
Denmark |
2008 |
Vores Faellessprog/Our common language |
Denmark |
2007 |
Learning French in Cyberspace |
Denmark |
2003 |
Sprogproduktion i det kommunikative værksted/ Language production in the communicative workshop |
Denmark |
2004 |
The English Corner |
Denmark |
2005 |
The Alphabet Keyboard |
Denmark |
2011 |
Folk Highschool Plus |
Denmark |
2011 |
Nordic Language Pilots |
Denmark |
2009 | |
Denmark |
2004 |
Language Across Borders |
Denmark |
2003 |
The image of the other |
Denmark |
2006 |
Keelerobot / Language robot |
Estonia |
2011 |
Tallinn-Berliin: Eesti-Saksa kulutuurisõnastik |
Estonia |
2011 |
A Web-based Course in Norwegian |
Estonia |
2009 |
Mnemo25 Method |
Estonia |
2009 |
Estonian, Finnish and Icelandic Partnership project on National Epics in Arts and Culture |
Estonia |
2010 |
Click on Language |
Estonia |
2012 |
Different Language, Common Home, Common Goal |
Estonia |
2009 |
Deutsch lohnt sich |
Estonia |
2010 |
Kielitivoli |
Finland |
2011 |
Encouraging students to study German and Russian |
Finland |
2007 |
Teaching Chinese |
Finland |
2010 |
Diversification of languages on offer in adult education in Rovaniemi |
Finland |
2007 |
The Golden Memories Hotel |
Finland |
2004 |
Ready Study Go!
Linguistic cultural coaching in initial vocational education
Finland |
2008 |
Language skills by immersion |
Finland |
2008 |
Place of work as a learning environment for Finnish |
Finland |
2009 |
YET (Youth, Europe and Theatre) |
Finland |
2008 |
Swedish for Foreigners |
Finland |
2001 |
Internationalization of language teaching |
Finland |
2007 |
Motivation to Learn the Second National Language |
Finland |
2001 |
Kiekuri |
Finland |
2006 |
Kielireppu |
Finland |
2011 |
Opin avaimia/Keys of Learning/ Språknycklar |
Finland |
2004 |
Northern-Ostrobotnian Network of Distance Learning |
Finland |
2003 |
Learning Languages on Rails |
Finland |
2003 |
Working and learning together; the ISO network as a support for learners and teachers of languages |
Finland |
2006 |
Raising the Quality of Language Teaching |
Finland |
2003 |
Extensive Language Learning Programme |
Finland |
2003 |
A common language and culture project of Pello school, Finland and Pello skolan, Sweden (a pilot study of trilingual teaching) |
Finland |
2005 |
Early Swedish Language Immersion in Vaasa |
Finland |
2005 |
Festival de cinéma hispano-américain de Poitiers |
France |
2010 |
Lingueo, Cours particuliers de langues |
France |
2008 |
Tomorrow's World |
France |
2008 |
Parlez-vous chinois? |
France |
2010 |
Sport is fun |
France |
2010 |
Réalisation de sequences animées sur le thème de la prévention routière |
France |
2009 |
Deutschmobil |
France |
2011 |
Welcome to Tulle, Vocational English with Native Speakers |
France |
2006 |
7 jours sur la planète |
France |
2006 |
Marahil: lire et écrire le monde arabe |
France |
2008 |
Production d’outils de formation à destination de publics adultes migrants en insertion sociale et professionnelle |
France |
2011 |
How to Become a Chef in Europe |
Germany |
2011 |
YELL – Young Europeans Love Languages |
Germany |
2011 |
Theatergruppe Babylon: Nasrin oder Die Kunst zu träumen von Herbert Asmodi (2010/11) |
Germany |
2011 |
Mulingula (multilinguale Leseaktivitäten) |
Germany |
2011 |
Visaeus |
Germany |
2009 |
GUT* im Tandem *gemeinsamer Unterrichtstag |
Germany |
2011 |
Der Sprachenfächer |
Germany |
2008 |
Europa bewegt sich - Europe in Motion |
Germany |
2011 |
Germany |
2012 |
Ridili GMBH |
Germany |
2012 |
Occupational language training for non-reading individuals with migrant background |
Germany |
2010 |
Spielend lernen - Grenzen überwinden Learn by playing - across borders |
Germany |
2009 |
Progressfolders In Language Learning |
Iceland |
2003 |
Yrkja |
Iceland |
2011 |
The Icelandic game |
Iceland |
2009 |
A Whole School Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Spanish |
Ireland |
2008 |
CLIL for Mainstream Teachers in the Post Primary Classroom |
Ireland |
2011 |
Ireland |
2009 |
L'Italia in Diretta |
Ireland |
2008 |
Multicom 112 Extension Project |
Ireland |
2011 |
Online German Homework Submission Wiki |
Ireland |
2011 |
SpEakWise |
Ireland |
2010 |
A CLIL Experience in Primary School: Teaching French through games strand of the PE Curriculum |
Ireland |
2007 |
Teastas Eorpach na Gaelige |
Ireland |
2006 |
Authentik Language Interactive |
Ireland |
2011 |
Abair leat |
Ireland |
2008 |
Signall: Sign Awareness and Learning the Language |
Ireland |
2008 |
Amelis |
Italy |
2009 |
Handmade English |
Italy |
2009 |
TKT - Content and Language Integrated Learning. Nuove metodologie di insegnamento della lingua inglese per un approccio linguistico integrato |
Italy |
2010 |
CMC_E - Il progetto “Comunicare in contesti multilinguistici” incontra le imprese |
Italy |
2010 |
LeTS Go, Language eTeachers Services |
Italy |
2010 |
ELS, European Languages for Secretaries |
Italy |
2006 |
Re-Creation by Genetics: new ways of life? |
Italy |
2010 |
Language Learning by Radio (LALERA) |
Italy |
2008 |
Deaf People in Europe Acquiring Languages through E-Learning (DEAL) |
Italy |
2008 |
Parlando s’impara |
Italy |
2010 |
It’s in the bag |
Italy |
2011 |
Nouvelle approche en classe de maths: le français au service de la géométrie euclidienne” |
Italy |
2011 |
Glottodrama Transfer of Innovation |
Italy |
2010 |
Amici del Mediterraneo |
Italy |
2005 |
Open to Every Citizen |
Lithuania |
2007 |
Learning by Moving |
Lithuania |
2008 |
funny, easy and effective learning about
countries, languages and cultures |
Lithuania |
2006 |
Practice Makes Perfect: Promoting European Citizenship Through Language |
Lithuania |
2004 |
Faust: Interpretation in zwei Sprachen / Faust : Interpretation in Two languages |
Lithuania |
2005 |
European Languages Net |
Lithuania |
2004 |
The Ambassador of Languages of the Year 2011 |
Lithuania |
2011 |
W.A. Mozart und L. van Beethoven in der Schule |
Lithuania |
2005 |
The Ambassador of Languages of the Year 2012 |
Lithuania |
2012 |
Integrated French Language and Subject Learning |
Lithuania |
2003 |
Communication and Vocational Language Skills |
Lithuania |
2003 |
Karaoke and language learning. It's fun to learn with songs |
Lithuania |
2004 |
Saules - private secondary school infants learn, use and feel joy of learning languages |
Lithuania |
2005 |
New Technologies For Learning Lithuanian |
Lithuania |
2003 |
The Saami Language Centre |
Norway |
2000 |
My language – Your language |
Norway |
2010 |
MigraNorsk |
Norway |
2001 |
LOA – Learning from/with One Another |
Portugal |
2009 |
Portugal |
2008 |
Com as Línguas e a Arte a caminho da Cidadania |
Portugal |
2003 |
Portugal |
2004 |
Constructor2000-Buildingcommunicationforfutu |
Portugal |
2000 |
Europe - Our heritage and Future |
Portugal |
2005 |
Open the window |
Portugal |
2003 |
Cada Aluno por Horizonte – uma Metodologia Inovadora para o Ensino das Línguas |
Portugal |
2011 |
Hook Up! Campus Europae Foreign Language Learning Gateway (Portuguese) |
Portugal |
2011 |
Portuguese and French in the Primary School |
Portugal |
2000 |
À Conversa com Craig Mello |
Portugal |
2011 |
Utilização das Ferramentas Multimédia nas Aulas de Línguas Estrangeiras |
Portugal |
2004 |
Amazing Europe |
Romania |
2010 |
Between the Lines |
Romania |
2009 |
Healthy Lifestyle |
Romania |
2007 |
Research and Teacher Education for Business and Economics (EDU-RES) – the added value of lifelong learning and interdisciplinary networking |
Romania |
2011 |
EuroIntegrELP – Equal Chances to European Integration through the use of the European Language Portfolio |
Romania |
2007 |
Healthy Eating and Physical Activities to Promote Learning for a Better Lifestyle |
Romania |
2011 |
Immigrants Past and Present. Towards Better Integration? |
Romania |
2010 |
Let's Become a Bilingual Family |
Romania |
2011 |
Architeaching |
Romania |
2011 |
Agricultural and environmental English |
Romania |
2010 |
INTEGRA - Migrants' Integrating Kit - Basic Language for Dealing with Financial Matters |
Romania |
2012 |
TOEIC Camp Europe |
Romania |
2008 |
ISPY - Online Networking Platform for Language Learning |
Romania |
2012 |
IN-CLASS: International Communication and Language Assessment |
Romania |
2011 |
Quality Assurance for Schools and Teachers |
Romania |
2002 |
Get Adults Make Events |
Romania |
2011 |
GTP - Global Teenagers Project |
Romania |
2010 |
Improving Professional and Language Skills of Auto Mechanics through Work Experience Abroad |
Romania |
2009 |
Training Students for Agriculture |
Romania |
2010 |
Preventing Drug Addiction Is Everybody's Problem |
Romania |
2010 |
Take Shape Share: The European Repository Project |
Romania |
2009 |
Autonomous Language Learning |
Romania |
2009 |
Roads to the Roots |
Romania |
2010 |
Schüler E-Portfolios als Möglichkeiten zur Förderung von Schlüsselkompetenzen |
Romania |
2010 |
New Ways in English Language Teaching Through Sharing Experiences |
Romania |
2012 |
Multimedia E-platform for the democratic
learning of the foreign languages |
Romania |
2010 |
Despertar a las lenguas |
Spain |
2011 |
Taste the Language |
Spain |
2011 |
Le Tour De Fance en 21 unités |
Spain |
2011 |
Hola 2.0 |
Spain |
2010 |
Meeting point: lugares de encuentro |
Spain |
2009 |
Certamen de teatro en inglés y francés Estrangis ATIFE - ATIFE |
Spain |
2008 |
ALEHOP: Programme For The Development of Communicative Skills |
Spain |
2011 |
Fomento de las lenguas extranjeras desde una perspectiva global |
Spain |
2008 |
The World Of The Signs |
Spain |
2011 |
Bolsa de idiomas |
Spain |
2008 | Intercambios interculturales en entornos virtuales |
Spain |
2007 |
ELLA: English Language Lab Asturias |
Spain |
2010 |
The English Track |
Sweden |
2009 |
The State of the nation |
Sweden |
2001 |
The global classroom |
Sweden |
2001 |
ALFA - ett alfabetiseringsprojekt/ALFA - a project for illiteracy |
Sweden |
2004 |
Language Cafés |
Sweden |
2004 |
Gruppskrivningar - modell för strategitänkande/ Group Tests - A Model For Strategic Thinking |
Sweden |
2002 |
Language - Not Just Empty Words |
Sweden |
2010 |
Language Immersion at Bilingual Montessori School of Lund |
Sweden |
2008 |
Europaenheten - lär och utvecklas för framtiden/ Europaenheten - Educating for the Future |
Sweden |
2003 |
Språk och matkulturer/ Languages and Food Cultures |
Sweden |
2005 |
Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i Flemingsbergs förskolor / Language developing methods in pre-schools in Flemingsberg |
Sweden |
2006 |
Functional Bilingualism |
Sweden |
2010 |
COLT (Community and Lesser Taught Languages) |
United Kingdom |
2010 |
Fashion International |
United Kingdom |
2011 |
Primary community languages tasters |
United Kingdom |
2010 |
Leggiamo insieme/Reading together |
United Kingdom |
2011 |
Cucina d'Infierno/Hell's kitchen |
United Kingdom |
2011 |
Clwb Cymdeithasu Cymraeg C3, Welsh For Adults, Lifelong Learning |
United Kingdom |
2010 |
Primary languages podcasting |
United Kingdom |
2010 |
Musubi Project |
United Kingdom |
2010 |
Skills for life and work |
United Kingdom |
2011 |
My Unispace |
United Kingdom |
2009 |
Eurofest |
United Kingdom |
2009 |
The Suffolk Hotel |
United Kingdom |
2008 |