Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Title of the Project
The Ambassador of Languages of the Year 2012
Brief description
In 2012 the title of ‘The Ambassador of Languages of the Year 2012’ and The European Language Label was given to a public school – Vilnius Simonas Daukantas gymnasium. The aim of ‘The Languages Ambassador of the Year 2012’ election was to elect multilingual school that encourages different foreign language teaching and creates multilingual learning environment in the school. The selection was organized during the first Multilingual Tournament in Lithuania and was based on the following criteria: European priority for the 2012-2013 Label campaigns ('Multilingual classrooms'), ability to act as the ambassador of languages and innovation in language teaching. In Vilnius Simonas Daukantas gymnasium even 7 languages are taught every year. Moreover they are organizing international education exchange projects. The school is fully equipped with all the necessary language learning material. The pupils are encouraged to collaborate in the classroom and use the foreign language not only during the lesson but also off the lesson. That is why lots of different events related to language learning are organised during the school year. The authority of the school is giving significant importance to the raising of qualification of school teachers. What is more, students from other countries are invited to the school to do their teaching practice here. Vilnius Simonas Daukantas gymnasium will continue the Ambassador's of the Languages activities until the new Ambassador of the Languages will be selected.
Target Language
Danish, English, French, German, Spanish, Turkish, Other
School Education
Further Information



The school is an example of an educational institution that offers a wide choice of languages to their pupils: In Vilnius Simonas Daukantas gymnasium even 7 languages are taught every year. Moreover they are organizing international education exchange projects. The school is fully equipped with all the necessary language learning material. The pupils are encouraged to collaborate in the classroom and use the foreign language not only during the lesson but also off the lesson. That is why lots of different events related to language learning are organised during the school year. The authority of the school is giving significant importance to the raising of qualification of school teachers. What is more, students from other countries are invited to the school to do their teaching practice here.


Create the learning / teaching environment that would foster language acquisition and bring up open minded young people


The best reward is the competences and skills that pupils get

Why the European Language Label?

It is one of the most respected initiatives in language teaching / learning world

Activities following the award of the European Language Label

increased the prestige of the school

Assessment of the Impact of the European Language Label

added to the school profile;
motivates pupils and teachers

Recommendations for future applicants for the ELL

do all what you can and apply


Consistency with European Policies in the field of Language Learning

The selection was organized during the first Is copliant with the policy of multilingualism: the aim of ‘The Languages Ambassador of the Year 2012’ election was to elect multilingual school that encourages different foreign language teaching and creates multilingual learning environment in the school.

Consistency with European, National and yearly priorities

The selection was organized during the first Multilingual Tournament in Lithuania and was based on the following criteria: European priority for the 2012-2013 Label campaigns ('Multilingual classrooms'), ability to act as the ambassador of languages and innovation in language teaching.



A public school – Vilnius Simonas Daukantas gymnasium was announced as the Ambassador of Languages of the Year 2012. This school is a multilingual school, even 7 languages are taught every year. And what is more, international education exchange projects are organized there. The school is fully equipped with all the necessary language learning material and the school’s administration is drawing huge attention to the raising of qualification of school teachers.

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Comments on this Case Studies

Your comments are welcome

Date: 2014.11.12

Posted by Ramona Cirsmari (Romania)

Message: The project is a very good showcase of the institutional and national attitude to language learning and to leraning about cultural differences in Lithuania. The country has always beeen very open to learning languages and to their role in the overall development of professional competences. Sensitivity to local and national needs and to how the work mobility at EU level could become a factor of progress for the Lithuanian economy has led to the creation of various initiatives that are grassroot generated and which all encourage learning of a diversity of languages needed on the labour market. The school that won the title of the Amassador of languages has worked hard for the title : 7 languages are taught in the school – which is not a minor thing. This means that students and parents alike were convinced about the importrance of these languages and their role in the future of the children. A concertated effort was also visible because the teaching of these languages was accompanied by various actions to support the main initiative : resources, training of teachers, native speakers as assistant teachers, all through cycles of teaching. As practitioners in the field of language education we are well aware that such an initiatiev cannot be singular and cannot be developed for only a year. To become relevant and to have an impact it has to last for a convenient duration and offer continuation at the level of several schooling cycles.

21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: