basic information
The background of the project was to establish close cooperation with Staeinfurt technical school, Germany, to implement private and project visits to both schools.
The objectives of the project were: to raise students’ motivation, to enrich their communication skills (foreign professional language), to widen their outlook, to develop understanding of European citizenship and of other country’s culture and traditions, to develop their professional skills
According to Laima Paceviciene ( project coordinator), the school students of carpentry often lack basic education and do not have any motivation to study. They usually come from low income, single-parents' families. Some of them require a special teaching approach. Mainly such students from both schools were involved in the project activities. During project exchanges the students from Lithuania learned to work with modern technology wood processing machinery, students from Germany developed their manual skills. The language of communication was English, but at both schools were organized lessons of German and Lithuanian languages. During the exchanges and in between students gathered and compiled dictionary of carpentry terms in English, Lithuanian and German languages. The project activities at both schools were integrated into curriculum according to “ Lehrplan fur die Berufsschule in Nordhein – Westfalen Tischler” (Germany) and carpenters teaching standarts of Lithuanian Ministry of Education(2000 m.)
-produced a LT-DE-EN glossary
-produced furniture
-enhanced language and communication skills
-increased motivation of students and staff
- received certificates
The project results met the initial plans and expectations. The final results were bookshelves, stools, cabinets, and a three- language glossary of carpentry terms. The quality of the results was audited by the representatives of industrial companies, the indicators adopted were such as skillfulness, creativity and etc.
Impact of the project: students enriched their knowledge and skills, teachers shared their experience and learned new methods, local communities were constantly informed about project activities and had a chance to develop their outlook on European citizenship as well.
According to Laima Paceviciene ( Project coordinator), the project team wanted to share our experience and to be evaluated by the wider community.
The project results were described in the local and national media. Copies of the glossary of carpentry terms were sent to other vocational schools
During all these years we feel the benefits of the ELL. The teachers and students have become more active, more motivated to participate in project activities. This was one of our first projects and since that time many Comenius and Leonardo da Vinci projects have been implemented.
Added to the school's profile and increased motivation of staff and students
At vocational schools language learning initiatives should be connected with students ‘ specialities and should be made as interesting, attractive and original as possible.
Promotion of exchanges in vocational education; raising awareness of other cultures and raising motivation to learn
Raising standards of vocational education; application of language and communication skills to sensible professional activities
Promoton of professional / vocational education in one of the Lithuanian regions.
Comments on this Case Studies
Date: 2014.10.29
Posted by Stefan Colibaba (Romania)
Message: It is a project that deals with a concrete support to students in carpentry from Lithuania and German. These resources are oriented to specificities of the target student : a learner who focuses on practical skills and who needs special motivational strategies for academic achievement. For these students the project produced a LT-DE-EN glossary of carpentry terms, it also produced furniture ( bookshelves, stools, cabinets), made contacts between schools and the local industries and contributed to enhanced language and communication skills and increased motivation of students and staff.