basic information
According to Jaan Oispuu (developmnent rector at Tallinn Oismae Gymnasium)Tallinn Õismäe Gymnasium has a long experience in co-operation with Berlin Humboldt-Gymnasium (since 1989) and in advanced German teaching. Our pupils can learn different foreign languages: English, German, Russian, French, Finnish. In 2011 Tallinn was one of the cultural capitals in Europe. The choice of the aim depended on that fact.
- to integrate foreign language teaching (German) with other subjects (Estonian, history, culture, art, infotechnology);
- to practise different methods of the open-air learning;
- to develop the IT-skills of the pupils; - to learn advanced German lexic concerning with history and culture;
- to learn the history of Tallinn and to present it to the German pupils.
The project consisted of two parts: 1) four Internet online-competitions Who? When? Where? between German and Estonian pupils (15 and 15 pupils) during five month; 2) a visit of the pupils from Berlin in Tallinn in May 2011. In September the Estonian pupils will visit Berlin. The aim of the 8-days visit will be the same but opposite: the Estonian pupils will learn the history of Berlin. The pupils use their knowledge and skills in communication in their everyday life.
Good knowledge in the history and culture of Tallinn – the cultural capital of Europe 2011; bilingual Estonian-German vocabulary (about 300 words) of culture.
promoting German language learning through learning German culture and taking part in student exchange programme
inovative, modern and learner-friendly method of promoting different cultures through language teaching
According to Made Kirtsi (Head of General Education Unit of the Centre for Educational Programs at Archimedes Foundation)the number of learners of German is decreasing and any promotion of learning other languages beside English is worth of recognition. The project theme fitted in the celebration of European Culture capital Tallinn activities.
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