basic information
The idea of the project originated with relation to the fact that Slavic countries joined the European Union. New possibilities of mutual economic, tourist, scientific and educational contacts were initiated. Therefore there arose the necessity of communication in all languages belonging to this group and the possibility to promote Slavic languages among other EC countries. The following aim was put: to encourage people, particularly those for whom a Slavic language is the mother tongue, to get to know other Slavic languages, as well as to enable further linguistic education to everyone who already knows any Slavic language.
The main objectives of the project are:
- to encourage recipients from Slavic countries and other European countries to acquaint themselves with Slavic languages (Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Bulgarian);
- to show similarities and differences of the presented Slavic languages and cultures.
The project was organised as follows:
- specifying the ways of realization of particular elements of the plan
- preliminary specification of themes and vocabulary of the internet modules;
- performing activities promoting the project and the idea of multilingual teaching of Slavic languages
- performing evaluation activities checking the effectiveness of this method
In order to ensure visibility and broader popularity of the project the following activities took place:
- Distributing publicity leaflets
- programme for the celebration of the first anniversary of developing the European Union, the project of which was prepared by Slovenia
- anniversary event prepared by the partners from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland with utilization of radio-bridge (the Bulgarian partner)
- radio broadcast informing about the project and the multilingual method organized by the Bulgarian radio
- popularization of the project and the method within other events (Forum of the Word in Katowice, a visit in University of Foreign Languages in Beijing)
- numerous evaluation meetings
The project developed a website presenting parallel comparable module (dialogues, texts), showing linguistic and cultural pecularities of the countries participating in the project. On the website of the project you can find, among others, the following subjects:
- greetings
- polite expressions
- shopping
- documents
- cookery
- transportation
- post office
- meetings
- hotel
- health...
Comments on this Case Studies
Date: 2014.10.02
Posted by Stefka Pehlivanova (BG)
Message: Very interesting initiative. It is quite useful to outline the differences and similarities between languages and cultures of Slavic countries and it can be applied also for other countries from one and the same language family.