Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Title of the Project
Brief description
Co-production of an on-line magazine with the following innovative features: linguistic and cultural diversity; age group between10 to 19; the use of the ICT on language learning. This project is the outcome of a Comenius partnership. The young learners are from different European countries which also was a good contribution for the European dimension; the target languages are primarily English and German and each partner will decide whether the articles are also written in their native languages (PT / CZ / MT / IT) or not. Objectives: Improving language knowledge (EN / DE); to expose less spoken languages (PT / CZ / MT / IT); to foster transnational cooperation; to strengthen the European dimension; to raise intercultural awareness and to fight xenophobia.
Target Language
English, German
School Education
Higher Education
Further Information



Co-production of an on-line magazine with the following innovative features: linguistic and cultural diversity; age group between10 to 19; the use of the ICT on language learning. This project is the outcome of a Comenius partnership. The young learners are from different European countries which also was a good contribution for the European dimension; the target languages are primarily English and German and each partner will decide whether the articles are also written in their native languages (PT / CZ / MT / IT) or not.


Objectives: Improving language knowledge (EN / DE); to expose less spoken languages (PT / CZ / MT / IT); to foster transnational cooperation; to strengthen the European dimension; to raise intercultural awareness and to fight xenophobia.

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Comments on this Case Studies

Your comments are welcome

Date: 2014.09.18

Posted by Gexcall (Spain)

Message: I find this project very interesting. An European contribution to produce an online magazine between students who are exposed to other languages and cultures is great. Not only do they learn languages but also to be autonomous and responsible in their \"work\".
Besides, it is a way to make relationships between students from different parts of Europe.

21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: