Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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basic information

Title of the Project
Becoming a Better Global Citizen – a challenge for the 21st century
Brief description
The aim of this educational language project is a co-operation with partners in united Europe to improve language skills and to teach children about the necessity to protect our planet. Ecological problems are the same all over the industrial Europe and it is very important to point them and to talk about them. Five partners (from the Czech Republic, Germany, Britain, Spain and Greece) do at the same time very similar activities (e.g. finding out a power consumption, compilation of data of recycling, introduction of their countries, and other ecological activities), which are proved by evidence, described in 5 languages and the results, are shared in project web pages ( Everybody can learn out all details about the project there. The project, divided into 3 years, is mainly for 11 – 13 years old pupils. The school integrates activities connected with the project to an ordinary curriculum. It is not only work for language teachers in language lessons but project is related to all subjects.
Czech Republic
Target Language
School Education
Further Information



his project is designed to help pupils to become more aware, through attitude and behaviour, of their responsibilities toward Mother Nature on Earth. Whilst they should recognise the differences between human beings in respect to their religion, race and gender, they should appreciate that we all have individual feelings which make us unique. Our international project provides opportunities to understand how children from other countries live and work, and helping the pupils to make more informed decisions about the future of our planet.


- To raise awareness about the importance of reusing and saving recycled materials to save our planet from destruction.
- To instill in our students the responsibility to work on this subject, as global citizens belonging to a future society.
- To increase our special students’ self-esteem, taking advantage of their abilities whilst working on those activities they can, to achieve the aims which have been set.
- To give the chance for older children to teach younger ones.


The project ran for three years and was designed to help the children become better global citizens through education for sustainable development.

Year 1: For the children to devise and implement energy saving measures to reduce consumption by 5%. (Whole school approach); To raise awareness of how recycled materials are valued in under developed countries, and to design and make toys from materials which would usually be thrown away, to illustrate this.

Year 2: For the children to devise and implement ways in which they can reduce school waste by 5% eg; paper reduction, composting and aluminium can recycling; To develop an appreciation of how children play traditional games in their schools.

Year 3: For the children to devise and implement ways of reducing water consumption by 5% whilst raising awareness of the global importance of water; To establish a shared mission statement of Global Citizenship.




This is a project of international cooperation between schools. Students from partner schools work together on issues relating to the environment. The output is printed among other conclusions on these themes in five languages. The project meets the priority: CLIL.

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Comments on this Case Studies

Your comments are welcome

Date: 2014.10.14

Posted by Mayte Martin (Ireland)

Message: I think this is a good example of integrative learning. Young students get educated in relation to their environment and their world around.

21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: