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Learning by Moving
The main purpose of this project was through language teaching campaign on public transport to reach general public in 6 European countries, helping people to realize the importance of languages. Three languages in each partner country were chosen for the campaign: English as a Lingua Franca; State language of the country; Language of the minority or neighbouring country (in Lithuania - Polish, in Poland - German, in Romania and Malta - Italian, in Germany - Turkish, in Italy - Spanish. The main project activity-language teaching campaign on PT in each partner country was organized in the following steps: 1) Developing teaching materials for the campaign: words and phrases on everyday topics: Meeting people, On public transport, Asking for directions, Going out; 2) Displaying eye-catching posters in PT stop shelters informing about some unexpected activities on PT; 3) Exhibiting eye - catching posters/cards with developed by the project social phrases on everyday topics in different target languages inside PT on each topic for a certain period of time and playing high quality recorded tapes with chosen social phrases in 3 languages, 4) Distributing give-back forms on PT with appropriate tasks including social phrases and encouraging the commuters to work on tasks and really test their language skills. The filled in forms were collected or sent by the commuters to local partner institutions; 5) The Language Fair as the final event of the campaign organised at one of the local PT stops/stations in each partner country. The project final product - a phrasebook and CD with recorded social phrases were produced for each partner country in 3 languages that had been used during their campaigns. Contact: Soros International House Lithuania Ms. Daiva Malinauskiene Tel: 00 370 5 272 48 39 Email: [email protected]
Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning