Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Multicom 112 Extension Project

The aim of the project was to enhance linguistic competence of emergency services personnel by development of innovative language learning tools. Emergency service personnel must be able to deal with an emergency. To do so effectively requires ability in a number of languages - including Irish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Sami and Basque. The innovative tools provided a self-tuition DVD and Virtual Online Learning Environment for online training with native speakers via project website. These products are particularly suited to the informal learning environment required by emergency services personnel.

Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning

  • promotion of multilingualism
  • promotion of language learning for specific purposes
  • promotion of recognition and validation of language skills acquired through non formal and informal education
  • promotion of the development of teaching material for the learning of less widely spoken languages
Target Language
Finnish, Lithuanian, Irish, Slovak, Other
Educational Sector
Vocational Education and Training

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21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: