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Language teachers from Selby College Yorkshire and local schools got together to discuss how to motivate Year 8 pupils. They obtained help and sponsorship from local businesses, the University of Hull and the University of York. The result was Eurofest, a simulated international trade fair with a languages focus. During the last term of Year 8, pupils from five local schools worked in language lessons to create products to sell at the event. One group was chosen from each school to present their product at Selby College in June and another group to answer questions on a ‘tourist information stand.’ On the big day, pupils answered questions in French and German from a range of visitors, from local business people to university language students. At the end of the day, prizes were given for the best use of French, German and enterprise skills. Teenagers also had a chance to chat to university languages students and spend time in Selby College – the main local provider of education post-16. This year the project is developing to include taster classes in Mandarin and Japanese and Q&As with local businesses.
Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning