
Name of the person involved in the event:
Richard Rossner

Date of the event:
14 November 2014 - 15 November 2014

Type of Dissemination event:
Transnational Meetings

Description of Dissemination Event:
Meeting of Eaquals member representatives from over 30 countries. The aim was to inform Eaquals members again about the achievements of the Nellip project, to show them the project portal and website, and to invite them to use the guidelines (links to which have already been circulated to them) and to sign up as associate members of the network.

Target group:
academic directors, school owners and representatives of Associate members (e.g. national associations of schools, publishers, the British Council etc.)

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Belgrade, Serbia

Outcomes and Results:
Members of Eaquals present showed quite a lot of interest in the work done by the Nellip network and the project results.

Supporting Documents: