
PROSPER-ASE Language Centre

Name of the person involved in the event:
Laura Muresan

Date of the event:
01 July 2014 - 24 September 2014

Type of Dissemination event:
Informative Mailing

Description of Dissemination Event:
Inclusion of information on and link to NELLIP in the conference announcement of the international conference "Cultural Diversity and Languages for Specific Purposes: Stakes and Perspectives", co-organised by two University departments and QUEST Romania. This was disseminated online, via email, via the web site of QUEST Romania, of EAQUALS and the CoE data base dedicated to the European Day of Languages. The CfP has reached hundreds of language professionals, ESP researchers, academics, in numerous countries across Europe and beyond.

Target group:
Language professionals, language teachers, academics, heads of department, doctoral students, language programme coordinators, project coordinators.

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
over 30 countries throughout the world

Outcomes and Results:
Dissemination of information on and link to NELLIP, contextualized in the thematic field of Quality Assurance, Languages for SPecific Purposes, Applied Linguistics and Language Education.

Supporting Documents: