

Name of the person involved in the event:
Elisabetta Delle Donne

Date of the event:
19 November 2012

Type of Dissemination event:
Training Seminar

Description of Dissemination Event:
Among its activities, Pixel organizes international Mobility Initiatives. One of them was Tourism and Eno-Gastronomy in Tuscany, addressed to 45 representants of Swedish companies in the fields of hotellerie, tourism and eno-gastronomy. During the first day of the initiative, Elisabetta Delle Donne presented Pixel activities and transnational projects, with a special focus on the NELLIP Network. The activities of the project were fully explained and it was examined if there was the possibility to collaboration.

Target group:

Number of people reached by event:

Held in:
Florence, Italy

Outcomes and Results:
The Swedish participants were very interested by the network activities and results and asked to be kept informed

Supporting Documents: