Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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The NELLIP project

The Project

The aim of the NELLIP project is to identify, develop and promote an effective methodology for improving the quality of language learning initiatives.

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The NELLIP project, Network of European Language Labelled Initiatives, is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme – Key Activity 2 Languages

The NELLIP project has the aim to promote quality in language learning through the application of the quality criteria used to award the European Language Label

The NELLIP project has three main objectives:
  • to promote the networking and creation of synergies among language learning initiatives having received the European Language Label with the aim to enhance their impact, transferability potential and sustainability.
  • to promote the adoption of a joint methodology that will allow the effective planning and implementation of high quality language learning initiatives according to the quality criteria used for the assessment of initiatives that apply to be awarded the European Language Label
  • to promote the information about the European Language Label initiative among language learning providers.

The NELLIP project’s direct target groups belong to the following sectors:
  • Universities
  • Schools
  • Adult Education Institutions
  • Vocational Education and Training Providers

The project work is organized into the following main activities:
  • Identification and description of success stories and best practices in planning and implementing Language learning initiatives that received the European Language Label.
  • Development of Guidelines on how to plan, implement, manage, exploit and network quality initiatives for language learning based on the capitalization of the best practices developed in the framework of European language labeled projects and initiatives.
  • Organization of workshops in order to test and exploit project results and European language labelled initiatives and projects.
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