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‘Nowadays’ is a project established with the main aim of developing and improving the necessary skills for VET students on higher education in their direct involvement of the Erasmus mobility programme, also taking into account the European Language Portfolio principles and the Europass Diploma Supplement, involving and coordinating various teams with the help of ICT and allowing, therefore, the interaction among participants throughout the lifecycle of the project. Thanks to this project, students benefitting from an Erasmus mobility grant will be able to enhance their personal and professional skills focused on their better integration into the labour market in the future, by means of a carefully designed internship experience in which students will have to use either English or French as the main languages of communication and interaction. ‘Nowadays’, which lasts two academic years, has been developed in three different stages, i.e.: pre-mobility, mobility and post-mobility. Each stage is carried out following the ‘Erasmus Training Tool’ for the project. This tool has been fully developed via a Moodle platform for the management and coordination of the various participants’ teams. In order to develop this training project on the acquisition of professional skills, language skills and key competences for the labour market and European programmes for VET students of higher education, other tools have been used such as the European Language Portfolio, the Europass Diploma Supplements and the methodology called ‘Lingua Enterprise’. In particular, the methodology called ‘Lingua Enterprise’ – which was developed by the Regional Ministry of Labour in Navarra in order to facilitate the acquisition of VET language skills – is directly linked to the teaching, learning and evaluation of languages, and also based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) of the Council of Europe, as well as on the European Language Portfolio (ELP). From the 25 identified professional skills, training packs are developed in which skills and the Europass Supplements of each technical profile are combined. By means of this project, significant improvements have been made regarding the preparation, training and management of European mobilities.
Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning