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Elaboración de 452 microactividades comunicativas en lenguas extranjeras (alemán, francés e inglés) basadas en el Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas
It is a project of 452 micro communicative activities in foreign languages, designed to promote independent learning and improving communicative skills. This is a material produced in a digital format, which starts from a part of a communicative and contextualized approach for learning and evolutions as recommended the European Language and evaluation descriptors contained in the Common European Framework of Reference for Learning and Teaching of Languages (CEFR) and connected to the learning objectives of the language biography of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in their paper and digital version. Being an open digital format, may be transferable to other languages spoken in the national territory and other European Union States with Portfolios validated by the Council of Europe, to serve an inspiration to other teachers who, with a properly planned training and oriented to this end, may adapt the material to their own contexts. This will encourage the creation of a base of learning materials for all to use, enabling the improvement and adjustment of these (micro) communicative activities in German, French and English.)
Consistency with the European policies in the field of language learning