Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Homepage > Databases > Selected Projects

Selected Projects

Database of projects that received the European Language Label selected by the NELLIP Network. The selection was made on the basis of the consistency of projects and initiatives with the current European political priorities in the field of language learning. The selection was carried out in close cooperation with the National Agencies in charge of the European Language Label.

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Filtered by Country: Spain

 Documents found: 31

Title of the Project

El Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas en educación infantil y primaria Spain 2006
Web del Observatorio Atrium Linguarum Spain 2006
Proyecto piloto de docencia en lengua inglesa Spain 2006 Intercambios interculturales en entornos virtuales Spain 2007
Del bilingüismo al plurilingüismo: nuevos retos Spain 2007
CLIL for Young Learners Spain 2007
Certamen de teatro en inglés y francés Estrangis ATIFE - ATIFE Spain 2008
Nuestro telediario – Notre Journal télévisé Spain 2008
Ibias Lenguas y culturas 2010: Abriendo caminos Spain 2010
Cortometraje: Deadly inheritance Spain 2010
Bolsa de idiomas Spain 2008
Fomento de las lenguas extranjeras desde una perspectiva global Spain 2008
I Congreso Internacional Luces y Sombras Spain 2009
Coup de théatre, aprendizaje del francés a través del teatro Spain 2009
Hola 2.0 Spain 2010, the language learning community Spain 2009
Meeting point: lugares de encuentro Spain 2009
Deadly Inheritance – Herencia Mortal(A short Film) Spain 2011
Taste the Language Spain 2011
The World Of The Signs Spain 2011
Language Awareness Spain 2011
Le Tour De Fance en 21 unités Spain 2011
ALEHOP: Programme For The Development of Communicative Skills Spain 2011
ELLA: English Language Lab Asturias Spain 2010
Despertar a las lenguas Spain 2011
Mobile-learning: A guided tour in augmented reality Spain 2012
Elaboración de 452 microactividades comunicativas en lenguas extranjeras (alemán, francés e inglés) basadas en el Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas Spain 2012
El departamento donde nunca pasa nada Spain 2012
La escuela de hostelería y turismo de Alcalá de Henares, abierta al mundo Spain 2012
NOWADAYS Spain 2013
El Portfolio como herramienta de trabajo Spain 2013
21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: