Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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basic information

Title of the Project
Occupational language training for non-reading individuals with migrant background
Brief description
Migrants coming to Germany with deficiencies in reading and writing skills are ever more challenged to learn German as a second language than other members of this group. This particular migrant group faces great changes in relation to cultural environment adaptation as to building an economical basis for a self-determined livelihood in their target country. These individuals form the target group for the programme “Occupational language training for non-reading individuals with migrant background” of starthaus Ltd. in Offenbach. The goals of the programmes are in line with the curricula of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as to make this group literate, to impart basic knowledge of German and to facilitate proper earnings. Reading and writing abilities, acquisition of basic German language skills and integration into the labour market are being combined in this course in a model way. In so doing, job and life opportunities are being opened to a multiply challenged group of people.
Adult Education
Vocational Education and Training
Further Information



The project meets the need of non-literate migrans for effective combination of language and on-the-job training.
Migrants coming to Germany with deficiencies in reading and writing skills are ever more challenged to learn German as a second language than other members of this group. This particular migrant group faces great changes in relation to cultural environment adaptation as to building an economical basis for a self-determined livelihood in their target country.


These migrants are the target group for the programme “Occupational language training for non-reading individuals with migrant background” of starthaus Ltd. in Offenbach. The goals of the programmes are in line with the curricula of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as to make this group literate, to impart basic knowledge of German and to facilitate proper earnings. Reading and writing abilities, acquisition of basic German language skills and integration into the labour market are being combined in this course in a model way. In so doing, job and life opportunities are being opened to a multiply challenged group of people.


The provision of high quality materials produced specifically for this group of migrants. The teaching was largely carried out by teachers who themselves have a migrant background, and support was given in courses by participants in previous courses. In this way the courses were able to address the real needs of those taking part and to give them security and identification with the course providers.


The courses were successful and the materials are usable in other German-speaking contexts. They are still being provided by startHAUS, the winner of the award.
The assessemnt of the results is based on questinnaires among participants and employers who attested the real improvement achieved.

Why the European Language Label?

To get recognition for an innovative approach to language training for migrants.

Activities following the award of the European Language Label

Continuation of the courses and further development of the materials.

Assessment of the Impact of the European Language Label


Recommendations for future applicants for the ELL



Consistency with European Policies in the field of Language Learning

The project is consistent with European policies directed towards the social and professional integration of migrant workers.

Consistency with European, National and yearly priorities

It fitted the annual focus on language learning for the workplace.



The National Agency considered that the project gave an "exemplary approach to enabling migrants to find their way into a new society, for literacy, in a way which secured their integration into the world of work."

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Comments on this Case Studies

Your comments are welcome

Date: 2014.09.30

Posted by Richard Rossner (UK)

Message: Providing support for migrants, especially those with disadvantages such as low literacy or disrupted education, is a critical element of any integration initiative. This project, as indicated by the presentation at, is a great example of how such support can be provided in a way that is likely to increase migrant participation in the local community.

21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: