Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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basic information

Title of the Project
Le Tour De Fance en 21 unités
Brief description
A specific programme was developed to involved the students in a global and common project to learn French through sport and other related cultural backgrounds. The main goal was to create a bond between the Marrocan students’ mother tongue and the Spanish Language throughout another foreign language, French. The target group was students of Secondary Education.
Maps were created to follow the stages of the Tour to learn about geography, monuments, cultural curiosities, traditions and food. All this was carried out through the use of ICT and The Electronic European Portfolio (e-PEL).
Target Language
Higher Education
Further Information



Recently, the map of the Spanish population has changed considerably due to the amount of immigrants that have arrived to the Iberian Peninsula in the last decade. Due to the lack of an immigration tradition in Spain, the government initiatives are scarce, and in general terms, it is the individual effort of the teaching community along country the one helping to include this fragment of population during formal education.


In general terms, this cross-curricular project illustrates how to exploit a cultural topic for the teaching/learning of languages, which serve as a motivation enhancer for teachers and students. Among other material, maps were created to follow the stages of the Tour to learn about geography, monuments, cultural curiosities, traditions and food. All this was carried out through the use of ICT and The Electronic European Portfolio (e-PEL).


The target group was students of Secondary Education. Usually, the teaching and educational community tries to enhance immigrant’s foreign languages to ease integration, but for this time, were the immigrant students the ones who shared not only their mother tongue but also their cultural background as a way to integrate in their community and help others learn with their background using Le toured France as the excuse.


- This project has provided didactic material considering the worrying lack of multicultural projects in a new multicultural society
- This project has overcome cultural barriers between immigrant and national students in a formal education context
- This project has fruitfully involved foreign students to promote their mother tongue and culture.
- This project has successfully provided creative and innovative topics to make language classes more appealing
- This project has promoted the utilization of ICTs to sponsor integration and multiculturalism
- The continuous evaluation of this project has shown that students learn faster when they are taught using language and culture together and motivating topics as Le tour de France

Why the European Language Label?

Being part of a multidisciplinary working group that is engaged in implementing the European portfolio in their high school, the coordinators of the group considered the Label as great sponsor of their effort.

Activities following the award of the European Language Label

This project has been shared with the rest of the local and state teaching community. The activities has been disseminated via a blog:

Assessment of the Impact of the European Language Label

The award has been announced in the state main newspapers, and for this diffusion has not only motivated the coordinators of the project but also the rest of the teaching community that has seen how effort is always awarded. In other words, motivation to keep working and generating material to enhance teaching and learning specially to the immigrant community that has a lot to offer.

Recommendations for future applicants for the ELL

Being part of a European country, the main recommendation is working and collaborating in a multidisciplinary local working group where different approaches and perspectives can be shown. This local group should be in contact with other groups, institution and initiatives along Europe.


Consistency with European Policies in the field of Language Learning

The project is consistent with the current policies because it covers language-related needs of the various linguistic groups and fostering communication between them and the host community. Specifically, it helps integrate the French speaking immigrant students within the Spanish speaking community via French, its culture, sports and ICTS.

Consistency with European, National and yearly priorities

The project is consistent with the current policies because it helps to integrate foreign students come to local communities with limited proficiency in the national or regional language. In this project the French speaking immigrant community helps locals to learn French while they get integrated. Communities need to help these groups access services and ensure their smooth integration in the life of their neighborhoods. This can be achieved by organizing activities like this one that promote the language and culture of the various communities.

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Comments on this Case Studies

Your comments are welcome

Date: 2014.02.14

Posted by Ignacio Fernández Portero (Spain)

Message: We think this project can be highly motivating for students of secondary education, not only for boys but also for girls. The interest for cycling has been increased in the last few years in western countries. On the one hand, we all know that boys love any kind of sports, specially at that age since they have so much energy they need to burn out somehow. On the other hand, girls (or women) are more and more interested in the world of fitness, so spinning is a more interesting activity to practice in their free time. Sports are usually viewed as playful activities. So, for all these reasons, this project can easily draw the students´ attention. Knowing the history, monuments... of the cities involved in such a popular sport and race can encourage them to be creative and try their best. Since this set of activities are supposed to involve 3 different cultures and countries (France, Marocco and Spain), it can strengthen their bonds.

Date: 2014.02.14

Posted by Tania Torés Rodríguez (Spain)

Message: This project \"Le Tour de France\" is really inspiring for us and in fact , we think that it could be extended to other educational levels such as pre-school or primary.

Date: 2014.02.14

Posted by Beatriz López, Nina Bañegil, Pilar Rosado (Spain)

Message: The most interesting aspect of this project is the integration of foreign students through languages. They take advantage of having inmigrant students to reach their targets when teaching languages.
We can also mention that in the discussion during the workshop we have discovered an excellent project, which hadn\'t been previously selected: Fostering foreing languages from a global perspective, (2008), but from our point of view, it is worth analysing.

21 December 2014

Audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project

An audio- video presentation of the NELLIP project has been created and made available in the Information section of the NELLIP portal. To access the presentation please click here: